YOU may not care anymore, but there are still people who do!
For those of you just tuning in, these are the*
Year-End Achievement Awards. They celebrate the excellence, as well as
the....opposite thereof, of the past year in professional wrestling.
The Awards are decided by the readers of r.s.p-w, voting for a 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd place in nearly fifty categories. Believe it or not, this is the
SEVENTEENTH year of Awards.
Participation was just under last year's levels, with 35 legible ballots
case. As has been made evident in previous years, r.s.p-w isn't necessarily
people's first place to go for wrestling talk, and I don't go out of my way
to blitz Usenet with advertising for the awards, but once again I'm pleased
with the QUALITY of response, even as the quantity hovers around record lows.
I think you may be surprised with some of the results!
Thanks to everyone on r.s.p-w who participated, readers and lurkers alike!
The following pages provided invaluable assistance with research.
Bookmark them ALL right now:
With my own site on semi-permanent hiatus, The Cubs Fan's site is the
place to go to find all the dates and times of WWE matchups during the
voting period
The Wrestling Supercards & Tournaments Web Page is THE place to get
dates and results of every major card of the past year - and earlier
OWW contains hundreds of profiles and lots of results - it's a great
place to doublecheck spellings, finishing moves and other information!
For better of worse, THE website of r.s.p-w.* - basically I threw a
bunch of links on a page but it's the quickest way to access full
versions of ALL seventeen years of awards!
Wikipedia has quickly become a great resource for looking up all sorts
of obscure minutiae, and pro wrestling is no exception!
It's Google. Nuff said.
I can be reached by emailing crz{at}rspw{dot}org, amongst other ways.
Without further ado, HEEEEEEEEEEEERE WE GO!!!!
This document is copyright 2006 by Christopher Robin Zimmerman.
All rights reserved. Portions of this document are copyright
1990-1995 Herb Kunze and used with his kind permission.
Visit the r.s.p-w Awards links page at .
First, some general comments...
JODY JEWERS: Ring of Honor is to today's wrestling scene what ECW was in
1994-95, a necessary counterpoint to the crapfest of the major promotions
of that era. There needs to be a viable No. 2 promotion to counter the
WWE nonsense, and TNA has really dropped the ball this year with bringing
back Russo, Kevin Nash burying the X Division, failed pushes of Sting and
Christian Cage, and yet another Jeff Jarrett title run. ROH is
wrestling's last hope in North America!
CH: General Comment: The entire wrestling landscape changed for me this
year. In March, I ordered four ROH DVD's: Manhatten Mayhem, Round Robin
Challenge, Joe vs. Punk II and Joe vs. Kobashi. While those shows
aren't in contention, my awards ballot would look a lot different if I
hadn't watched them. Eight months later my ROH DVD collection has grown
to 70 and I've stopped watching WWE TV entirely, though still catch
well-received PPV's on DVD and ECW the rare Friday I'm home. Did Ring of
Honor turn the corner and get most of the IWC (their target audience)
looking in their direction?
CRIMEFIGHTER: Well, this year I got a lot busier and thus could not spend
much time on the RSPW awards. I've pretty much paid far less attention to
WWE and more attention to the independents in the area which I live, and
cover them via the St. Louis Wrestling Community Livejournal. Due to
lack of time I won't have much comment. Due to the decline and interest
of Usenet in general I suspect this will be the end of the RSPW awards
this year. (Editor's Note: Look for the awards to return next year!)
Best Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the athlete who was the best overall wrestler of the year.
This includes all facets of wrestling: workrate, technical ability,
interviews, charisma, value to his/her promotion, etc. In 1994, this award
was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and overall. In
1998, it was recombined into one.
Previous Winners:
1990: Curt Hennig
1991: Ric Flair
1992: Ric Flair
1993: Big Van Vader
1994: Bret Hart
1994: (NA) Sabu
1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1995: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1996: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1997: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku
1998: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1999: Chris Benoit
2000: Triple H
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Chris Benoit
2005: Eddie Guerrero
**2006**: Samoa Joe
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
35 third place votes
9 5 5 70 Samoa Joe
8 2 0 46 Edge
3 5 6 42 Kurt Angle
4 3 1 31 Bryan Danielson
1 6 0 23 AJ Styles
2 1 3 19 Finlay
1 1 3 14 John Cena
2 1 0 13 King Booker
1 1 2 12 Rey Mysterio
1 1 1 10 Chris Benoit
1 0 2 9 Christopher Daniels
1 1 0 8 KENTA
0 2 0 6 Shelton Benjamin
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan
0 1 1 5 Trish Stratus
0 1 1 5 Ron Killings
0 1 1 5 Rob Van Dam
0 1 0 3 William Regal
0 1 0 3 Homicide
0 1 0 3 Christian Cage
0 0 1 2 Sabu
0 0 1 2 Roderick Strong
0 0 1 2 Ric Converse
0 0 1 2 Nigel McGuinness
0 0 1 2 Naomichi Marufuji
0 0 1 2 Mick Foley
0 0 1 2 Colt Cabana
0 0 1 2 Carlito
0 0 1 2 CM Punk
CH: Best Wrestler: Bryan Danielson hasn't just had a great year, he's had
one of the best EVER. Right up there with Flair in '89, Austin in '01,
Hart in '94, etc. Four star match after four star match. Hell, his best
one (against KENTA) came while nursing a major shoulder injury! That's
dedication, folks. Homicide comes in second for his great matches and
role in two fantastic feuds (vs. Cabana and vs. CZW.) And that doesn't
even count his work in TNA. Roderick Strong is third for me, stepping up
as one of the elite on the indy scene. His work in TNA as a support
player was underappreciated, too; The X Division started to tank when he
and Aries were suspended.
BIGDADDYLOCO: This was a great year for Fit Finlay, who really was one of
the most underrated wrestlers of the year. Smackdown really seemed to
find it's identity when Finlay joined the roster. Samoa Joe might be more
impressive, but Finlay has really done wonders working a WWE style while
not selling out his own. He's one of the first guys to not get booed out
of a WWE arena wrestling a mat based style. Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe are
flashier but round out the top three due to injuries suffered during the
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: If it weren't for TNA, I think Trish would've broken the
top three this year.
HAWYN316: 1st: Edge 2nd: John Cena 3rd: Kurt Angle This was definitely
Edge's year when he truly broke out as a Main Event star. From solid
matches to KILLER promos and feuds this year definitely the year of the
"Rated R Superstar." The title feud with John Cena helped raise both guy's
games. Edge takes my #1, Cena takes #2 and Kurt Angle gets the third nod
from me for a great year in TWO promotions.
Best Tag Team
Award Description:
To be given to the tag team who were the best overall team of the year.
includes all facets of wrestling: workrate, technical ability, interviews,
charisma, hot team moves, value to their promotion, etc. In 1994, this
was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and overall. In
1998, it was recombined into one.
Previous Winners:
1990: The Steiners: Rick & Scott
1991: The Steiners: Rick & Scott
1992: Terry Gordy & Steve Williams
1993: The Hollywood Blonds: Brian Pillman & Steve Austin
1994: (overall/non-NA) The Steiners: Rick & Scott
1994: (NA) Eddy Guerrero & Love Machine
1995: (overall/NA) Public Enemy: Flyboy Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge
1995: (non-NA) Mitsuhara Misawa & Kenta Kobashi
1996: (overall/NA) Harlem Heat: Booker T & Stevie Ray
1996: (non-NA) Doug Furnas & Dan Kroffat
1997: (overall/NA) The Eliminators: John Kronus & Perry Saturn
1997: (non-NA) NWO: Masahiro Chono & Great Muta
1998: New Age Outlaws: Road Dogg Jesse James & Badd Ass Billy Gunn
1999: Hardy Boyz: Matt & Jeff
2000: Edge & Christian
2001: Edge & Christian
2002: Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
2003: Self-Proclaimed World's Greatest Tag Team: Shelton Benjamin &
Charlie Haas
2004: America's Most Wanted: Chris Harris & James Storm
2005: America's Most Wanted: Chris Harris & James Storm
**2006**: A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
30 third place votes
12 6 3 84 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
5 10 3 61 Paul London & Brian Kendrick
6 2 7 50 Latin American Exchange - Homicide & Hernandez
3 5 4 38 MNM - Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro
5 3 0 34 Austin Aries & Roderick Strong
1 2 1 13 Big Show & Kane
1 2 0 11 America's Most Wanted - James Storm & Chris Harris
1 0 2 9 Jay & Mark Briscoe
0 0 3 6 Highlanders - Robbie & Rory McAllister
1 0 0 5 Rob Van Dam & Sabu
0 1 1 5 Team 3D - Brother Ray & Brother D-Von
0 1 1 5 Mexicools - Super Crazy & Psicosis
0 0 2 4 Spirit Squad - Kenny & Johnny & Mitch & Nicky & Mikey
0 1 0 3 Tommy Dreamer & Sandman
0 1 0 3 Shark Boy & Norman Smiley
0 1 0 3 Kings of Wrestling - Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli
0 0 1 2 Pitbulls - Jamie Noble & Kid Kash
0 0 1 2 Naturals - Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas
0 0 1 2 Alex Shelley & Jimmy Rave
HACK-MAN: Best Tag Team was easy to narrow down to three, since there were
really only 3 teams worth watching this year. What was hard was deciding
which order to put them in. I ended up going with 1st:Paul London & Brian
Kendrick, 2nd:Mexicools - Super Crazy & Psicosis, 3rd:AJ Styles &
Christopher Daniels
HAWYN316: 1st: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels 2nd: Paul London and
Brian Kendrick 3rd: Latin American Exchange Styles and Daniels were, imho,
the best tag team in the industry this year. They had solid matches all
year long at a high level. London and Kendrick also had a great year
together. Now if only WWE actually gave a rip about their tag division
(although it did get better as the year went on). LAX tops out the year
for me as they came on strong toward the end.
Best Heel
Award Description:
To be given to the person who was the best villain this past year. This
person should bring out the fans' wrath. Match quality is not paramount
here; this award should be based primarily on how over the wrestler was in
the past year.
Previous Winners:
1990: Ted DiBiase
1991: Cactus Jack Manson
1992: Jake Roberts
1993: Big Van Vader
1994: Bob Backlund
1995: Big Van Vader
1996: Steve Austin (Ring Master)
1997: Shawn Michaels
1998: Mr. McMahon (Vince McMahon)
1999: Triple H
2000: Triple H
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Chris Jericho
2004: Triple H
2005: Eddie Guerrero
**2006**: Edge
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
35 third place votes
19 6 2 117 Edge
6 11 1 65 King Booker
0 4 5 22 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 2 5 16 Christian Cage
1 2 1 13 Homicide
1 0 4 13 Bryan Danielson
2 0 1 12 Chris Hero
1 1 2 12 Mr. Kennedy
2 0 0 10 Scott Steiner
1 0 1 7 Mr. McMahon
1 0 1 7 Konnan
0 1 2 7 Armando Alejandro Estrada
0 2 0 6 Mickie James
1 0 0 5 Allison Danger
0 1 1 5 Umaga
0 1 1 5 Lita
0 1 1 5 Jimmy Rave
0 0 2 4 Randy Orton
0 1 0 3 Steve Corino
0 1 0 3 Shane McMahon
0 1 0 3 Mick Foley
0 0 1 2 Paul Heyman
0 0 1 2 James Mitchell
0 0 1 2 Finlay
0 0 1 2 Alex Shelley
0 0 1 2 Abyss
HACK-MAN: Best Heel: No one came close to Edge this year. I voted for #2
& #3, but they were far behind in Edge in generating true heel heat.
HAWYN316: 1st: Edge 2nd: King Booker 3rd: Christian Cage Edge is THE best
heel in the industry today. Booker was also up there as he dominated
Smackdown with an iron fist and was just hella entertaining all year long
as the KIIIIING. Christian's a natural heel and showed the world what he
was after turning on Sting.
Best Babyface
Award Description:
To be given to the person who best portrayed the hero this past year. This
person should get lots of fan support. Match quality is not paramount
this award should be based primarily on how over the wrestler was in the
past year.
Previous Winners:
1990: Hulk Hogan
1991: Brian Pillman
1992: Sting
1993: Bret Hart
1994: Bret Hart
1995: Shawn Michaels
1996: Shawn Michaels
1997: Steve Austin
1998: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1999: The Rock
2000: The Rock
2001: The Rock
2002: Booker T
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Eddie Guerrero
2005: Batista
**2006**: Rob van Dam / Rey Mysterio (tie)
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
34 third place votes
4 8 2 48 Rob Van Dam
4 8 2 48 Rey Mysterio
6 0 4 38 Samoa Joe
6 1 1 35 John Cena
1 2 7 25 CM Punk
2 1 5 23 Ric Flair
2 2 2 20 Trish Stratus
2 2 0 16 AJ Styles
2 0 1 12 Colt Cabana
1 2 0 11 Eddie Guerrero
1 0 3 11 Matt Hardy
1 1 1 10 Carlito
1 1 0 8 Shawn Michaels
0 2 1 8 Sting
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan
1 0 0 5 Batista
0 1 1 5 Sabu
0 0 2 4 Homicide
0 1 0 3 Nigel McGuinness
0 1 0 3 Jeff Hardy
0 1 0 3 Chris Benoit
0 1 0 3 BJ Whitmer
0 0 1 2 Kurt Angle
0 0 1 2 Austin Aries
CH: Best Babyface: Colt Cabana is so damn likable, both as a character and
as a person. Plus his passion during his feud with Homicide was
unparalleled. Gabe Sapolsky is responsible for my placing BJ Whitmer in
second spot. He was booked so well in the ROH vs. CZW war; hell, I was
getting choked up when Homicide tossed him a fork and he went to town on
Necro Butcher in COD! Lord, that sounds deranged. Speaking of Homicide,
he went from being pure evil to a centre of sympathy. That takes talent!
BIGDADDYLOCO: He somehow wasn't nominated and it pains me to do this, but
HBK still plays a better babyface than anyone in wrestling. Crowds still
eat this man's act up with a spoon, and his ECW style Stevie Richards
dopiness has saved more than a few DX skits from totally tanking.
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: Even with problems later in the year, RVD had massive
crowd support, the biggest since his debut in the Invasion.
HAWYN316: 1st: John Cena 2nd: Sting 3rd: Rob Van Dam Despite some
"acceptance" problems with certain segments of the fans, John Cena takes
my pick for #1 face of the year. He's come on strong in recent months
with his fan reactions so hopefully his "acceptance problems" are passing
him by. Sting takes #2 for helping to develop TNA over the past year.
RVD rounds up the top 3 for leading ECW.
Best Worker
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler with, on average, the best workrate. In 1994,
this award was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and
overall. In 1998, it was recombined into one.
Previous Winners:
1990: Ric Flair / Randy Savage (tie)
1991: Jushin Liger
1992: Jushin Liger
1993: Bret Hart
1994: (overall/NA) Sabu
1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1995: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1996: (overall/NA) Rey Mysterio, Jr.
1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1997: (overall/NA) Shawn Michaels
1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku
1998: Mankind (Cactus Jack / Dude Love / Mick Foley)
1999: Chris Benoit
2000: Chris Benoit
2001: Chris Benoit
2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Chris Benoit
2005: Chris Benoit
**2006**: Samoa Joe
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
35 third place votes
8 5 5 65 Samoa Joe
6 5 3 51 Kurt Angle
6 1 4 41 Chris Benoit
5 3 1 36 Bryan Danielson
2 3 5 29 AJ Styles
2 3 3 25 Finlay
0 3 2 13 Christopher Daniels
1 2 0 11 KENTA
2 0 0 10 CM Punk
1 1 0 8 Triple H
1 1 0 8 Shelton Benjamin
0 2 1 8 Rey Mysterio
0 2 0 6 Paul London
0 0 3 6 Shawn Michaels
1 0 0 5 Austin Aries
0 1 1 5 Roderick Strong
0 0 2 4 Rob Van Dam
0 1 0 3 Sabu
0 1 0 3 Nigel McGuinness
0 1 0 3 Milano Connection AT
0 0 1 2 Trish Stratus
0 0 1 2 Ric Converse
0 0 1 2 Jimmy Wang Yang
0 0 1 2 Edge
0 0 1 2 Colt Cabana
HAWYN316: 1st: Kurt Angle 2nd: Samoa Joe 3rd: Chris Benoit Angle, Joe and
Benoit. Angle takes the top spot because he's the best PERIOD (and
hopefully stays healthy). Joe rocked the year in TNA and Benoit rounds
out the top 3.
Best Flyer
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who did the most and the best high-flying
maneuvers throughout the year. In 1994, this award was split into two:
American and Non-North American. In 1998, it was recombined.
Previous Winners:
1991: Jushin Liger
1992: Jushin Liger
1993: 1-2-3 Kid (Lightning Kid)
1994: (NA) 1-2-3 Kid
1994: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1995: (NA) Sabu
1995: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1996: (NA) Rey Mysterio, Jr.
1996: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1997: (NA) Rey Mysterio, Jr.
1997: (non-NA) Taka Michinoku
1998: (Billy) Kidman
1999: Jeff Hardy
2000: Jeff Hardy
2001: Rob van Dam
2002: Rey Mysterio
2003: Rey Mysterio
2004: Rey Mysterio
2005: A.J. Styles
**2006**: A.J. Styles
35 first place votes
34 second place votes
33 third place votes
11 5 3 76 AJ Styles
4 5 4 43 Paul London
4 3 3 35 Rey Mysterio
2 3 3 25 Sabu
4 0 2 24 Jack Evans
2 2 2 20 Senshi (Low Ki)
1 2 2 15 Sonjay Dutt
2 0 2 14 Jimmy Wang Yang
2 0 1 12 Austin Aries
0 2 3 12 Super Crazy
0 3 1 11 Chris Sabin
0 2 2 10 Matt Sydal
1 0 1 7 Jay Lethal
0 1 2 7 Brian Kendrick
0 2 0 6 KENTA
0 2 0 6 Jerrelle Clark
1 0 0 5 Elix Skipper
1 0 0 5 Dragon Kid
0 1 1 5 Rob Van Dam
0 1 0 3 Teddy Hart
0 0 1 2 Jeff Hardy
HAWYN316: 1st: AJ Styles 2nd: Chris Sabin 3rd: Jay Lethal Mad props to AJ
Styles, Chris Sabin and Jay Lethal of TNA's ever awesome X-Division for
setting the bar higher on flying.
Best Technical Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who has the most technical ability. The number
of holds and moves you see this person do and the crispness with which the
moves are executed makes his/her matches a pleasure to watch. In 1994,
this award was split into three: North American, Non-North American, and
overall. In 1998, it was recombined into one.
Previous Winners:
1991: Bret Hart
1992: Bret Hart
1993: Bret Hart
1994: (overall/NA) Bret Hart
1994: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1995: (overall/NA) Dean Malenko
1995: (non-NA) Chris Benoit
1996: (sweep) Dean Malenko
1997: (overall/NA) Dean Malenko
1997: (non-NA) Jushin Liger
1998: Dean Malenko
1999: Chris Benoit
2000: Chris Benoit
2001: Chris Benoit
2002: Chris Benoit
2003: Rey Mysterio
2004: Chris Benoit
2005: Chris Benoit
**2006**: Kurt Angle
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
33 third place votes
13 4 4 85 Kurt Angle
7 7 5 66 Chris Benoit
7 3 0 44 Bryan Danielson
2 6 3 34 Finlay
2 2 5 26 Samoa Joe
0 4 3 18 William Regal
1 2 1 13 Shelton Benjamin
1 1 1 10 CM Punk
0 2 1 8 Nigel McGuinness
0 2 1 8 Chris Sabin
1 0 1 7 Gregory Helms
1 0 0 5 Milano Connection AT
0 0 2 4 Petey Williams
0 0 2 4 Alex Shelley
0 1 0 3 KENTA
0 1 0 3 Colt Cabana
0 0 1 2 Kazarian
0 0 1 2 Homicide
0 0 1 2 Chavo Guerrero
0 0 1 2 Austin Aries
HAWYN316: 1st: Shelton Benjamin 2nd: Chris Sabin 3rd: Gregory Helms My
picks are a departure from the norm this year as I'm going with Shelton
Benjamin as #1. Everyone KNOWS he's the real deal in the ring (and he's
booked and put over as so) but for whatever reason he's having "creative
issues." Sabin's new "I'm better than you" character in TNA says the same
for him at the moment. I'm round out with Helms as #3 for the same
reason. Awesome workers who seem to be held back but are put over as "the
next generation."
Best Brawler
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who brawled his/her way through the year most
convincingly. This award would go to Frank "Bruiser Brody" Goodish if he
were still around. In 1994, this award was split into two: North American
and Non-North American. In 1998, it was recombined.
Previous Winners:
1991: Stan Hansen
1992: Cactus Jack
1993: Big Van Vader
1994: (NA) Cactus Jack
1994: (non-NA) Stan Hansen
1995: (NA) Cactus Jack
1995: (non-NA) Stan Hansen
1996: (NA) Mankind (Cactus Jack)
1996: (non-NA) Terry Funk
1997: (NA) Mankind
1997: (non-NA) Stan Hansen
1998: Mankind (Cactus Jack / Mick Foley / Dude Love)
1999: Mankind
2000: Mick Foley (Cactus Jack / Mankind)
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Brock Lesnar
2003: Brock Lesnar
2004: Batista
2005: Batista / Samoa Joe (tie)
**2006**: Samoa Joe
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
35 third place votes
11 5 2 74 Samoa Joe
9 7 3 72 Finlay
3 2 1 23 Homicide
2 0 4 18 John Cena
2 1 1 15 Triple H
0 2 4 14 Edge
0 3 2 13 Abyss
2 0 1 12 Kurt Angle
0 2 3 12 Hardcore Holly
0 3 1 11 Sabu
1 1 1 10 Umaga
1 1 1 10 Rhino
0 2 2 10 Mick Foley
1 0 1 7 Tommy Dreamer
0 1 2 7 Sandman
1 0 0 5 KENTA
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan
1 0 0 5 Brother Runt
0 1 1 5 Batista
0 0 2 4 Chris Benoit
0 1 0 3 Lashley
0 1 0 3 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 1 0 3 Colt Cabana
0 1 0 3 Brother Devon
0 0 1 2 Ric Flair
0 0 1 2 CM Punk
0 0 1 2 Bryan Danielson
HACK-MAN: Best Brawler was easy to narrow down to 4, but then hard to
eliminate one (I axed Benoit) and hard to order the remaining three (I
went with Finlay, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle).
HAWYN316: 1st: Samoa Joe 2nd: Umaga 3rd: Finlay JOe, Umaga and Finlay.
Three bad @$$es who pretty much demolished their way through 2006.
Most Favourite Wrestler
To be given to the wrestler you like the most, regardless of the reason.
Previous Winners:
1991: Ric Flair
1992: Ric Flair
1993: Ric Flair
1994: Ric Flair
1995: Shawn Michaels
1996: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1997: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1998: Mankind (Cactus Jack / Dude Love / Mick Foley)
1999: Chris Jericho
2000: Triple H
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle
2004: Chris Benoit
2005: Eddie Guerrero
**2006**: Kurt Angle
34 first place votes
34 second place votes
33 third place votes
5 2 2 35 Kurt Angle
4 3 1 31 Samoa Joe
4 1 2 27 Chris Benoit
2 2 3 22 CM Punk
2 2 1 18 Trish Stratus
2 1 2 17 Finlay
2 1 1 15 Christian Cage
2 1 0 13 Edge
1 2 1 13 Eddie Guerrero
1 1 1 10 Paul London
0 3 0 9 Mickie James
1 1 0 8 Senshi
1 1 0 8 Rey Mysterio
1 1 0 8 Colt Cabana
0 2 1 8 AJ Styles
1 0 1 7 Bryan Danielson
1 0 1 7 Alex Shelley
1 0 0 5 Ric Converse
1 0 0 5 Kevin Nash
1 0 0 5 Jimmy Wang Yang
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan
0 1 1 5 William Regal
0 1 1 5 Matt Hardy
0 0 2 4 Shawn Michaels
0 0 2 4 Sabu
0 0 2 4 King Booker
0 1 0 3 Triple H
0 1 0 3 Tajiri
0 1 0 3 Rob Van Dam
0 1 0 3 Ric Flair
0 1 0 3 Milano Connection AT
0 1 0 3 Mick Foley
0 1 0 3 Jeff Hardy
0 1 0 3 Carlito
0 0 1 2 Mr. Kennedy
0 0 1 2 John Cena
0 0 1 2 Jimmy Jacobs
0 0 1 2 Gregory Helms
0 0 1 2 Delirious
0 0 1 2 Christopher Daniels
0 0 1 2 Booker T
0 0 1 2 Alex Wright (ineligible?)
HAWYN316: 1st: Kurt Angle 2nd: Christian Cage 3rd: Matt Hardy I'm a HUGE
mark for Angle and Christian Cage and am glad to see them getting their
due. I'm also a huge Matt Hardy mark but for whatever reason he doesn't
quite get his due from creative...
Most Improved Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who most improved himself/herself in all
of the sport in the past year.
Previous Winners:
1990: Lex Luger
1991: Ron Simmons
1992: Steve Austin
1993: Marcus Alexander Bagwell
1994: Diesel
1995: Johnny B. Badd
1996: Wildman Marc Mero (Johnny B. Badd)
1997: Ken Shamrock
1998: The Rock
1999: Hardcore Holly
2000: Triple H
2001: Rob van Dam
2002: Trish Stratus
2003: John Cena
2004: Batista
2005: Batista
**2006**: Johnny Nitro
34 first place votes
33 second place votes
31 third place votes
8 6 3 64 Johnny Nitro
8 3 5 59 Carlito
4 2 7 40 Umaga (Jamal)
5 1 1 30 Big Show
2 1 1 15 Nigel McGuinness
2 1 1 15 Colt Cabana
1 2 2 15 Sabu
0 4 1 14 Hernandez
2 1 0 13 Jeff Hardy
0 2 2 10 Mark Henry
0 1 2 7 Sandman
0 2 0 6 Matt Sydal
1 0 0 5 John Cena
1 0 0 5 CM Punk
0 1 1 5 Delirious
0 1 0 3 Sonjay Dutt
0 1 0 3 Shelton Benjamin
0 1 0 3 Rhino
0 1 0 3 Mike Knox
0 1 0 3 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 1 0 3 Jay Lethal
0 0 1 2 Sting
0 0 1 2 Melina
0 0 1 2 Lashley
0 0 1 2 Kevin Nash
0 0 1 2 Edge
HACK-MAN: Most Improved Wrestler had some good choices this year.
Carlito, Johnny Nitro, and Sandman all looked leaps and bound ahead of
what they had shown in years past. Big Show looked tons better in ECW
than he had on previous WWE brands, but his rapid deterioration makes him
a shoe-in for "most deteriorated" next year.
BIGDADDYLOCO: Maybe I'm thinking more along the lines of best comeback,
but how can Jeff Hardy not be on this list. The man has gone to how badly
will he blow this spot to hitting just about everything and hitting
everything crisply at that. Johnny Nitro gets a close second, he's still
pretty green folks ... he could be a big star someday.
HAWYN316: 1st: Umaga 2nd: Johnny Nitro 3rd: Sonjay Dutt Umaga takes #1.
Hard to believe this bad @$$ used to be Jamal from 3MW. Johnny Nitro's
improved vastly over the year as well. The singles push helped
tremendously as it allowed him to refine some of his (still developing)
mic skills The IC title runs helped out a lot as well. Sonjay Dutt rounds
out my top 3.
Most Overrated Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who really has little talent, but has a large
place in the spotlight nonetheless. This is a measure of how undeserved a
wrestler's push is.
Previous Winners:
1990: Hulk Hogan
1991: Hulk Hogan
1992: Ultimate Warrior
1993: Hulk Hogan
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Goldberg
2001: The Undertaker
2002: Triple H
2003: Triple H
2004: Triple H
2005: John Cena
**2006**: Jeff Jarrett / Randy Orton (tie)
33 first place votes
33 second place votes
33 third place votes
4 6 0 38 Jeff Jarrett
2 4 8 38 Randy Orton
4 3 0 29 John Cena
5 0 0 25 CM Punk
4 0 2 24 Batista
2 4 1 24 Triple H
3 1 1 20 Monty Brown
1 2 1 13 Mark Henry
1 2 1 13 Boogeyman
0 1 5 13 Undertaker
2 0 1 12 Big Show
1 1 2 12 Umaga
0 3 2 12 Rob Van Dam
1 1 0 8 Shawn Michaels
1 0 0 5 Rey Mysterio
1 0 0 5 King Booker
1 0 0 5 Christopher Daniels
0 1 1 5 Bobby Roode
0 0 2 4 Abyss
0 1 0 3 Matt Sydal
0 1 0 3 Kevin Steen
0 1 0 3 Kane
0 1 0 3 Finlay
0 0 1 2 William Regal
0 0 1 2 Sting
0 0 1 2 Road Warrior Animal
0 0 1 2 Maverick Matt
0 0 1 2 Lita
0 0 1 2 Chris Sabin
HACK-MAN: For Most Overrated Wrestler, it's always hard to leave out
stiffs like Rhino, Brother Ray, Umaga, Victoria, Abyss, Road Warrior
Animal, Tatanka, etc... but I had to give my top three picks to Batista
(injury prone, old, and too few ring skills for the main event), Jeff
Jarrett (would be okay putting midcarders over, but doesn't belong in the
main event), and Undertaker (it's nice that he's stayed off TV for the
most part, but ten he's immediately thrown into main events instead of
"having to work his way back up the ladder" that others have to do).
BIGDADDYLOCO: CM Punk is good and all, but I've yet to see him as the
second coming. I imagine he'll do well in these awards too. Monty Brown
would have gotten this vote any other year.
Best Wrestling Gimmick
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who had the best character gimmick in the past
Previous Winners:
1991: The Undertaker
1992: The Undertaker
1993: The Undertaker
1994: Bob Backlund as the real WWF champ
1995: Goldust
1996: NWO
1997: Mick Foley's multiple personalities
1998: Lionheart Chris Jericho as a Paragon of Virtue
1999: Hardcore Holly as The Big Shot and a Superheavyweight
2000: Edge & Christian, for the benefit of those with flash photography
2001: His name is Steve Austin - WWF Champion - he does not deserve this
2002: Matt Hardy's Mattitude
2003: John Cena as the Minister of Thuganomics
2004: Trish Stratus as an insincere meddler
2005: Mr. Kennedy handling his own ring introductions
**2006**: Booker T, after winning King of the Ring, becomes King of the World
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
34 third place votes
14 7 1 93 All Hail King Booker!
1 4 5 27 Alex Shelley's Paparazzi Productions
4 1 1 25 Mr. Kennedy... Kennedy
2 2 3 22 LAX hatin' on gringos
2 3 1 21 Don't Fire Eric!
1 2 2 15 Jimmy Wang Yang
1 1 3 14 Maria, naive interviewer
2 1 0 13 Carlito spits in face of people who don't want to be cool
2 0 1 12 Paul Birchill as a pirate
0 2 3 12 Johnny Nitro & Melina, Hollywood celebrities
0 2 3 12 Delirious
0 3 1 11 Melina's ring entrance
1 1 1 10 Bryan Danielson as a cocky jerk
1 1 0 8 Chris Hero as CZW leader against ROH
0 2 1 8 Mickie James dresses/acts like Trish
1 0 1 7 Jimmy Jacobs' obsession with Lacey
0 1 2 7 Little Bastard - the Leprechaun
1 0 0 5 The Boogeyman
1 0 0 5 Kevin Thorn- Wrestling Vampire
1 0 0 5 Kevin Nash as an X Division superstar
0 1 1 5 Mark Henry as MNM's Enforcer
0 0 2 4 Matt Striker as a know-it-all teacher
0 0 2 4 CM Punk Straight Edge
0 1 0 3 Finlay
BIGDADDYLOCO: All Hail King Booker! This gimmick probably fails horribly
with any other wrestler.
HAWYN316: 1st: All Hail King Booker! 2nd: Don't FIre Eric 3rd: LAX hatin'
on gringos The King Booker gimmick was THE BEST thing on Smackdown all
year with Regal and Sharmell playing it up well. His "Knights" in Regal
and Finlay were gold and the whole accent bit was just hilarious. "Don't
Fire Eric" was a highlight of the night for me in TNA all year as well.
We're on the level man!!! I also enjoyed the "Oppressed Latino Nation" bit
with LAX all year. It may be touchy but a lot of it is true.
Best Wrestling Move
Award Description:
To be given to the move that is just the damn best thing you've seen this
past year. This should probably be a "finishing" move or something really
Previous Winners:
1990: Scott Steiner's Frankensteiner
1991: Scott Steiner's Frankensteiner
1992: Jushin Liger's moonsault off the second ropes to floor
1993: Big Van Vader's moonsault
1994: Vader's moonsault
1995: Hakushi's Space Flying Tiger Drop
1996: Wildman Marc Mero's Wild Thing shooting star press
1997: Bret Hart's figure four leglock around the ringpost
1998: Rock's People's Elbow elbowdrop
1999: Jeff Hardy's senton bomb
2000: Jeff Hardy's swantonbomb senton
2001: Rob van Dam's Five Star frog splash
2002: Brock Lesnar's F-5 fireman carry neckbreaker
2003: Brock Lesnar's F-5 fireman carry neckbreaker
2004: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
2005: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
**2006**: Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
34 first place votes
34 second place votes
33 third place votes
10 4 1 64 Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer flip piledriver
5 1 2 32 Kurt Angle's heel hook
2 6 2 32 Samoa Joe's muscle buster
3 1 1 20 Homicide's Gringo Killa back to back double underhook
1 3 2 18 Hernandez' Border Toss thrown crucifix powerbomb
1 3 1 16 Carlito's back cracker
2 1 1 15 Chris Benoit's Crippler crossface
1 1 3 14 Senshi's Warrior's Way turnbuckle leaping chest stomp
1 2 0 11 KENTA's Go 2 Sleep
1 0 2 9 Bryan Danielson's Cattle Mutilation
1 0 1 7 Shelton Benjamin's dragon whip enzuigiri
1 0 1 7 Jeff Hardy's swanton bomb
1 0 1 7 Christopher Daniels' BME moonsault
0 1 2 7 Abyss' Black Hole slam
0 2 0 6 Rob Van Dam's Five Star Frog Splash
1 0 0 5 Kings of Wrestling's KRS-1
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan's legdrop
1 0 0 5 Dragon Kid's Dragonrana
1 0 0 5 Bryan Danielson's leap into crowd
0 1 1 5 Finlay's Celtic Cross
0 1 1 5 CM Punk's Pepsi Plunge
0 0 2 4 Nigel McGuinness's Pendulum Lariat
0 1 0 3 Torrie Wilson's stinkface
0 1 0 3 Sabu's Arabian legdrop
0 1 0 3 Petey Williams' O Canada
0 1 0 3 Paul Birchill's C4
0 1 0 3 John Cena's FU
0 1 0 3 Jimmy Jacobs' Contra Code
0 1 0 3 Austin Aries' Pendulum Elbow
0 0 1 2 Trish Stratus' spinning headscissors
0 0 1 2 Samoa Joe's Ole Kick
0 0 1 2 Sabu's Arabian facebuster
0 0 1 2 Paul London's dropsault
0 0 1 2 Mickie James' Mick kick
0 0 1 2 King Booker's Spinarooni
0 0 1 2 Chris Sabin's hesitation dropkick
0 0 1 2 CM Punk's Anaconda Vise
0 0 1 2 King Booker's Book End uranage
BIGDADDYLOCO: Nothing gets the crowd going like seeing the Anklelock
HAWYN316: 1st: Senshi's Warrior's Way turnbuckle leaping chest stomp 2nd:
Homicide's Gringo Killa Driver 3rd: Hernandez's Megabomb Running Crucifix
Powerbomb Senshi's "Warrior's Way" is just BRUTAL to watch. Too bad the
guy was pretty much buried as the X-Division champ. Homicide and
Hernandez round out the Top 3 with their equally brutal finishers. They
"rep" the TNA Tag Division well as they just DEMOLISH everyone put in
their path.
Best Match
Award Description:
To be given to the best wrestling match you've seen this year, either
live, on TV, PPV, or in an arena, or on tape. If it took place in the past
year, it is eligible. In 1994, this award was split into three: North
American, Non-North American, and overall. In 1997, due to lack of
participation on both the NA and non-NA sides, it was recombined.
Previous Winners:
1990: 04/22/90: Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Marty Janetty & Shawn
Michaels (SNME)
1991: 03/21/91: Steiners vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Hiroshi Hase (Tokyo, aired
on taped PPV)
1992: 01/18/92: Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble)
1993: 10/24/93: Cactus Jack vs. Big Van Vader (Halloween Havoc)
1994: (overall/NA) 03/20/94: Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (WrestleMania)
1994: (non-NA) 04/16/94: Chris Benoit vs. Great Sasuke (Super J Cup)
1995: (overall/NA) 08/27/95: Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (SummerSlam)
1995: (non-NA) 11/20/94: Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota (AJW V*TOP Tourney)
1996: (overall/NA) 03/31/96: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania)
1996: (non-NA) 03/17/96: Jushin Liger vs. Shinjiro Otani
1997: 10/05/97: Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (Hell in the Cell cage)
1998: 06/28/98: Undertaker vs. Mankind (Hell in the Cell cage)
1999: 10/17/99: Brood (Matt & Jeff Hardy) vs. Edge & Christian (ladder)
2000: 08/27/00: Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz (tag TLC)
2001: 05/21/01: Steve Austin & Triple H (tag) vs. Chris Benoit & Chris
Jericho (RAW)
2002: 10/20/02: Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio (WWE
tag final) (No Mercy)
2003: 01/19/03: Kurt Angle (WWE) vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble)
2004: 03/14/04: Triple H (World) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels
2005: 04/03/05: Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle (WrestleMania)
**2006**: 03/31/06: Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito vs. CIMA &
Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino (ROH Supercard of Honor)
28 first place votes
26 second place votes
24 third place votes
6 1 0 33 03/31/06 Do Fixer v. Blood Generation
4 2 3 32 02/19/06 Kurt Angle (World) v. Undertaker
3 3 3 30 04/02/06 Edge v. Mick Foley (hardcore)
2 1 3 19 01/16/06 Edge (WWE) v. Ric Flair (TLC) (RAW)
2 0 1 12 05/21/06 Chris Benoit v. Finlay
1 1 1 10 12/17/05 KENTA (GHC Jr.) v. Low Ki
1 1 1 10 02/12/06 Samoa Joe (X) v. AJ Styles v. Christopher Daniels
0 2 2 10 06/11/06 John Cena (WWE) v. Rob Van Dam
1 1 0 8 04/02/06 John Cena (WWE) v. Triple H
1 1 0 8 01/29/06 30 Man Royal Rumble
1 0 1 7 04/02/06 Trish Stratus (Women) v. Mickie James
0 1 2 7 09/26/06 Rob Van Dam v. Hardcore Holly (ECW)
0 2 0 6 09/24/06 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (tag) v. LAX
(ultimate X)
0 2 0 6 06/11/06 Edge & Mick Foley & Lita v. Tommy Dreamer & Terry
Funk & Beulah McGillcutty
1 0 0 5 10/29/06 Naomichi Marufuji v. KENTA
1 0 0 5 08/05/06 Bryan Danielson (ROH) v. Samoa Joe
1 0 0 5 06/17/06 Bryan Danielson v. KENTA v. Samoa Joe
1 0 0 5 05/12/06 Great Khali v. Rey Mysterio
1 0 0 5 04/23/06 Senshi v. Christopher Daniels (cage)
1 0 0 5 04/01/06 Samoa Joe v. AJ Styles v. Christopher Daniels v.
Jimmy Yang
0 1 1 5 08/25/06 Bryan Danielson (ROH) v. Nigel McGuinness (2/3)
0 1 1 5 08/12/06 Bryan Danielson (ROH) v. Nigel McGuinness (Pure)
0 1 0 3 12/11/05 AJ Styles (X) v. Samoa Joe
0 1 0 3 09/16/06 Bryan Danielson (ROH) v. KENTA
0 1 0 3 08/20/06 Hulk Hogan v. Randy Orton
0 1 0 3 04/22/06 Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce v. Chris
Hero & Super Dragon & Necro Butcher
0 1 0 3 04/02/06 Rob Van Dam v. Ric Flair v. Matt Hardy v. Shelton
Benjamin v. Bobby Lashley v. Finlay (Money in
the Bank ladder)
0 1 0 3 03/30/06 Generation Next v. Blood Generation
0 0 1 2 11/05/05 Bryan Danielson (ROH) v. Roderick Strong
0 0 1 2 10/22/06 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (tag) v. LAX (cage)
0 0 1 2 09/17/06 Edge (WWE) v. John Cena (TLC)
0 0 1 2 07/11/06 Big Show (ECW) v. Ric Flair (extreme) (SciFi)
0 0 1 2 04/01/06 Colt Cabana v. Homicide (Chicago Street Fight)
CH: Best Match: Blood Generation vs. Do Fixer is defined by its brilliant
insanity. Starts out strong then gets absolutely crazy; Danielson vs.
KENTA had me marking out even though I KNEW who was going to win;
Danielson vs. Strong from Vendetta was a coming-of-age match for both
wrestlers, as Danielson really started to slip into his arrogant jerk
persona and Roderick brought it for his best performance to date. The
ending was DAMN cool, too.
Best Feud
Award Description:
To be given to the feud that gave us the most heated and best wrestling
match(es) of the year. In 1994, this award was split into two: North
American and Non-North American. In 1996, due to lack of participation on
the non-NA side, it was recombined.
Previous Winners:
1990: Doom: Ron Simmons & Butch Reed vs. Horsemen: Arn Anderson & Barry
1991: Doom: Ron Simmons & Butch Reed vs. Steiners
1992: Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage
1993: Big Van Vader vs. Cactus Jack
1994: (NA) Cactus Jack & partner vs. Nasty Boys
1994: (non-NA) All Japan Women vs. JWP (& other outside women)
1995: (NA) Dean Malenko vs. Eddy Guerrero
1995: (non-NA) Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota
1996: NWO vs. WCW
1997: Bret Hart / Hart Foundation vs. Steve Austin
1998: Mr. McMahon vs. Steve Austin
1999: Mankind vs. Rock
2000: Triple H vs. Mankind / Cactus Jack
2001: Rock vs. Chris Jericho
2002: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
2003: Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar
2004: Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley
2005: Edge vs. Matt Hardy
**2006**: Edge vs. John Cena
33 first place votes
30 second place votes
27 third place votes
10 6 3 74 Edge v. John Cena
11 2 4 69 Trish Stratus v. Mickie James
2 3 6 31 Ric Flair v. Mick Foley
2 3 2 23 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels v. LAX
1 4 1 19 Homicide v. Colt Cabana
3 0 0 15 ROH v. CZW
2 1 1 15 Mr. & Shane McMahon v. Shawn Michaels & Triple H
1 3 0 14 Samoa Joe v. Scott Steiner
1 1 3 14 Bryan Danielson v. Nigel McGuinness
0 2 1 8 Christian Cage v. Rhino
0 2 0 6 Kurt Angle v. Randy Orton
0 0 3 6 Samoa Joe v. Kurt Angle
0 1 1 5 Edge v. Mick Foley
0 1 1 5 Finlay v. Bobby Lashley
0 1 0 3 Christian Cage v. Abyss
0 0 1 2 Matt Hardy v. Gregory Helms
CH: Best Feud: ROH vs. CZW played on the heartstrings of all smart marks.
Pure wrestling vs. garbage wrestling had been done before, but this was a
better set of players than Mick Foley and Ricky Steamboat. Homicide and
Colt Cabana manage to realistically use draino and a coathanger. That's
boss. Cabana's personality change puts this one right up there. In
third, Foley vs. Flair became the only reason I watched RAW for months.
AFter the feud ended, I stopped.
HAWYN316: 1st: Edge vs. John Cena 2nd: Mr. & Shane McMahon vs. Shawn
Michaels & Triple H 3rd: Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle Edge vs. Cena was the
best feud of the year as it was high profile, over the title and produced
great matches and segments. Same can be said for McMahons vs. DX which
also dominated the card on Raw for a majority of the year. Joe vs.
Angle, though late in the year and short was the most intense thing TNA
saw all year.
Worst Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the name athlete who was the worst overall wrestler in the
past year. Minimal technical ability, lousy interviews, non-existent
workrate, and the charisma of a rock should describe this person.
Previous Winners:
1990: Junkyard Dog
1991: Andre The Giant
1992: Nailz
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Hulk Hogan
2001: Buff Bagwell
2002: Jackie Gayda
2003: Nathan Jones
2004: Heidenreich
2005: Heidenreich
**2006**: The Great Khali
34 first place votes
34 second place votes
34 third place votes
14 3 2 83 Great Khali
6 10 1 62 Boogeyman
2 2 0 16 Batista
1 2 2 15 Kevin Nash
2 0 2 14 Mr. McMahon
1 1 3 14 Ashley Massaro
0 2 4 14 Mark Henry
0 1 4 11 Mike Knox
2 0 0 10 John Cena
2 0 0 10 Candice Michelle
1 1 1 10 Umaga
0 2 2 10 MVP
1 1 0 8 Tatanka
0 2 1 8 Undertaker
0 0 3 6 Viscera
0 0 3 6 Road Warrior Animal
1 0 0 5 Chris Masters
1 0 0 5 CM Punk
0 1 1 5 Big Show
0 1 0 3 Shane McMahon
0 1 0 3 Rene Dupree
0 1 0 3 Randy Orton
0 1 0 3 Monty Brown
0 1 0 3 Jeff Jarrett
0 1 0 3 Hacksaw Jim Duggan
0 0 1 2 Vito
0 0 1 2 Sylvan
0 0 1 2 Raven
0 0 1 2 Abyss
0 0 1 2 A-1
BIGDADDYLOCO: Batista gets the nod as worst wrestler for stinking up the
main event scene on Smackdown. Randy Orton gets the second spot. If
these two weren't in Evolution would we even be talking about them right
Worst Tag Team
Award Description:
To be given to the name tag team who were the worst overall wrestlers in
the past year. Minimal technical ability, lousy interviews, non-existent
workrate, the charisma of a rock, and lousy team moves should describe
this pair.
Previous Winners:
1990: Rhythm & Blues: Greg Valentine & Honky Tonk Man
1991: The Patriots: Todd Champion & Firebreaker Chip
1992: Bushwhackers: Luke Williams & Butch Miller
1993: The Colossal Kongs: Awesome Kong & King Kong
1994: Bushwhackers: Luke Williams & Butch Miller
1995: Tekno Team 2000: Travis & Troy
1996: Godwinns: Henry O. & Phineas I.
1997: Godwinns: Henry O. & Phineas I.
1998: Diamond Dallas Page & Jay Leno
1999: Ministry of Darkness: Mideon & Viscera
2000: Harris Brothers: Big Ron & Heavy D
2001: Kronik: Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke
2002: Rosey & Jamal
2003: 3 Minute Warning: Rosey & Jamal / La Resistance: Sylvain Grenier &
Rene Dupree & Rob Conway (tie)
2004: Hardcore Holly & Billy Gunn
2005: Legion of Doom: Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich
**2006**: Dicks: Chad & James
33 first place votes
31 second place votes
29 third place votes
5 7 6 58 Dicks - Chad & James
6 6 1 50 Gymini - Jake & Jesse
3 3 7 38 Heart Throbs - Antonio & Romeo
5 3 1 36 Viscera & Charlie Haas
3 4 4 35 James Gang - BG & Kip
3 0 1 17 Mr. & Shane McMahon
1 1 4 16 Highlanders - Rory & Robbie McAllister
1 3 0 14 Spirit Squad - Kenny & Johnny & Mitch & Nicky & Mikey
1 1 0 8 Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Eugene
1 0 1 7 Team 3-D - Brother Ray & Brother D-Von
0 1 2 7 Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
1 0 0 5 Naturals - Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas
1 0 0 5 Mike Knox & Test
1 0 0 5 Big Show & Kane
1 0 0 5 Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn
0 1 0 3 MNM - Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro
0 1 0 3 America's Most Wanted - James Storm & Chris Harris
0 0 1 2 Paul London & Brian Kendrick
0 0 1 2 D-Generation X - Shawn Michaels & Triple H
Worst Heel
Award Description:
To be given to the person whose casting as a bad guy just didn't work
well. Maybe there was just no heel heat drawn or maybe the fans actually
cheered this person, but for whatever reason the heel image just didn't
get over.
Previous Winners:
1990: Rick Martel
1991: The Mountie Jacques Rougeau
1992: Razor Ramon
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Bastion Booger
1995: Zodiac (The Butcher/Brutus Beefcake)
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Ahmed Johnson
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Sting
2000: Goldberg
2001: Rob van Dam
2002: Triple H
2003: Triple H
2004: Jeff Jarrett
2005: Linda McMahon
**2006**: Vickie Guerrero
34 first place votes
33 second place votes
30 third place votes
4 7 4 49 Vickie Guerrero
6 4 0 42 Great Khali
4 3 1 31 Jeff Jarrett
2 5 2 29 Shelton Benjamin
1 4 1 19 Mike Knox
2 1 2 17 Randy Orton
2 1 1 15 Mr. McMahon
2 1 1 15 Larry Zbyszko
2 0 1 12 Rob Conway
0 2 3 12 MVP
1 1 1 10 Umaga
1 0 2 9 Gregory Helms
0 1 3 9 Monty Brown
1 0 1 7 Rene Dupree
1 0 1 7 Chavo Guerrero
0 1 2 7 Shane McMahon
1 0 0 5 Test
1 0 0 5 Shannon Moore
1 0 0 5 Samoa Joe
1 0 0 5 Kevin Thorn
1 0 0 5 Big Show
0 1 1 5 Kevin Nash
0 1 0 3 Sylvan
0 0 1 2 Matt Striker
0 0 1 2 Kane
0 0 1 2 Abyss
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: Why is Gregory Helms wearing a belt? The what champion?
HAWYN316: 1st: Rene Dupree 2nd: Vickie Guerrero I just have a HARD time
dealing with Rene Dupree being considered "Extreme." Vickie Guerrero,
bless her and her family, but c'mon!!!!
Worst Babyface
Award Description:
To be given to the person whose casting as a good guy just didn't work
Maybe there was just no face heat drawn or maybe the fans actually booed
this person, but for whatever reason the face image just didn't get over.
Previous Winners:
1990: Dusty Rhodes
1991: P.N. News
1992: Sid Justice
1993: Lex Luger
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: John Tenta
1997: Rocky Maivia
1998: Warrior
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Hulk Hogan
2001: "The One" Billy Gunn
2002: Triple H
2003: Stephanie McMahon / Scott Steiner (tie)
2004: Hardcore Holly
2005: Randy Orton
**2006**: John Cena
35 first place votes
33 second place votes
32 third place votes
7 2 2 45 John Cena
3 5 4 38 Eugene
5 0 6 37 Boogeyman
3 0 4 23 Sirelda
2 3 1 21 Randy Orton
1 2 5 21 Tatanka
2 3 0 19 Kip James
2 2 1 18 Triple H
2 1 2 17 Batista
1 3 0 14 Viscera
1 2 1 13 Kelly Kelly
1 2 0 11 Raven
0 3 1 11 Road Warrior Animal
1 1 0 8 Balls Mahoney
1 0 1 7 CM Punk
1 0 0 5 Naturals
1 0 0 5 Mike Mizanin
1 0 0 5 Christian Cage
0 1 0 3 Tommy Dreamer
0 1 0 3 Shawn Michaels
0 1 0 3 Shane McMahon
0 1 0 3 Rey Mysterio
0 0 1 2 Stephanie McMahon
0 0 1 2 Matt Sydal
0 0 1 2 Hacksaw Jim Duggan
0 0 1 2 Bryan Danielson
HACK-MAN: Worst Babyface was hard to narrow down to 3. I had to leave off
Eugene and Kip James and voted for Batista, Road Warrior Animal, and
HAWYN316: 1st: Sirelda Sirelda? Totally forgot she existed. What was the
deal with her anyway??? Why was she hanging with Styles and Daniels????
Worst Worker
Award Description:
To be given to the name wrestler whose workrate is so low it's barely
Previous Winners:
1990: Junkyard Dog
1991: Andre The Giant
1992: Nailz
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Kevin Nash
2001: Buff Bagwell
2002: Jackie Gayda
2003: Nathan Jones
2004: Heidenreich
2005: Gene Snitsky / Kevin Nash / Chris Masters (tie)
**2006**: The Great Khali
35 first place votes
33 second place votes
33 third place votes
15 8 3 105 Great Khali
7 10 1 67 Boogeyman
4 2 2 30 Kevin Nash
1 1 8 25 Road Warrior Animal
1 2 4 19 Mark Henry
1 3 2 18 Ashley Massaro
1 1 2 12 Torrie Wilson
0 3 1 11 Viscera
1 1 1 10 Mike Knox
1 0 2 9 Batista
1 0 1 7 Hacksaw Jim Duggan
1 0 0 5 Monty Brown
1 0 0 5 John Cena
0 0 2 4 Scott Steiner
0 1 0 3 Roddy Piper
0 1 0 3 Larry Zbyszko
0 0 1 2 Test
0 0 1 2 Sean Waltman
0 0 1 2 Chris Masters
0 0 1 2 A-1
HAWYN316: 1st: Great Khali The Great Khali. Period!!! (Although I did dig
that overhand chop to the head).
Least Favourite Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler you like the least, regardless of the reason.
Previous Winners:
1991: Hulk Hogan
1992: Hulk Hogan
1993: Hulk Hogan
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Hulk Hogan
1998: Hollywood Hogan
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Hulk Hogan
2001: Buff Bagwell
2002: Triple H
2003: Triple H
2004: Triple H
2005: Triple H
**2006**: Jeff Jarrett
32 first place votes
32 second place votes
32 third place votes
4 6 3 44 Jeff Jarrett
4 3 1 31 Triple H
2 3 4 27 Mr. McMahon
3 2 0 21 Kip James
4 0 1 22 Randy Orton
2 2 1 18 John Cena
2 2 1 18 Chris Masters
2 1 1 15 Mark Henry
2 0 2 14 Batista
0 2 4 14 Boogeyman
2 0 1 12 Great Khali
0 2 1 8 Undertaker
0 2 1 8 Umaga
1 0 0 5 Tatanka
1 0 0 5 Road Warrior Animal
1 0 0 5 Gene Snitsky
1 0 0 5 Chris Sabin
1 0 0 5 CM Punk
0 1 1 5 Kevin Nash
0 1 1 5 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 0 2 4 Shawn Michaels
0 0 2 4 Shannon Moore
0 0 2 4 Abyss
0 1 0 3 Rey Mysterio
0 1 0 3 Kid Kash
0 1 0 3 Kane
0 1 0 3 Finlay
0 1 0 3 Bobby Lashley
0 0 1 2 Test
0 0 1 2 Mike Mizanin
0 0 1 2 Big Show
Most Deteriorated Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the person whose skill has deteriorated the most over the
past year. This person should be a shadow of his/her former self.
Previous Winners:
1990: Dusty Rhodes
1991: Hulk Hogan
1992: Hulk Hogan
1993: Hulk Hogan
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Hulk Hogan
1997: Roddy Piper
1998: British Bulldog
1999: Hulk Hogan
2000: Undertaker
2001: Undertaker
2002: Triple H
2003: Scott Steiner
2004: Jeff Hardy
2005: Vader
**2006**: Raven
34 first place votes
34 second place votes
32 third place votes
5 2 7 45 Raven
6 4 1 44 Hulk Hogan
6 3 2 43 Batista
4 3 5 39 Kurt Angle
3 6 2 37 Roddy Piper
3 3 2 28 Road Warrior Animal
2 3 3 25 Ric Flair
2 1 2 17 Lex Luger
0 3 1 11 Chris Masters
1 0 1 7 Rob Van Dam
0 1 2 7 Tatanka
1 0 0 5 Undertaker
1 0 0 5 Hacksaw Jim Duggan
0 1 1 5 Rey Mysterio
0 0 2 4 Big Show
0 1 0 3 Sting
0 1 0 3 Pat Tanaka
0 1 0 3 Kane
0 1 0 3 Corey Edsel
0 0 1 2 Shane McMahon
HACK-MAN: Most Deteriorated Wrestler was another that was hard to narrow
down to three. Road Warrior Animal just seemed to have lost the most.
It may be cliche and bandwagoning to bash Kurt Angle, but I went with him
for #2. Batista was out with injuries and wasn't watchable when he came
back--so I went with him for #3 (some will say he wasn't really any more
watchable last year, so he hasn't really "deteriorated"). #4 is a tie
among Rey Mysterio, Roddy Piper, and Tatanka.
BIGDADDYLOCO: It's hard to believe that Batista won most improved two
years in a row and now we have a guy who struggles to even make the basics
look good.
Most Underrated Wrestler
Award Description:
To be given to the person whose ability merits a far greater push than the
person receives. There may be many such people, but the winner of this
award should have the most ability with least push.
Previous Winners:
1990: Terry Taylor
1991: Cactus Jack Manson
1992: Owen Hart
1993: Chris Benoit
1994: 1-2-3 Kid
1995: Barry Horowitz
1996: Owen Hart
1997: Chris Benoit
1998: Chris Benoit
1999: D'Lo Brown
2000: Al Snow
2001: Lance Storm
2002: D'Lo Brown
2003: Matt Hardy
2004: Paul London
2005: Shelton Benjamin
**2006**: Shelton Benjamin
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
32 third place votes
5 5 1 42 Shelton Benjamin
3 3 2 28 Jamie Noble
2 3 2 23 Matt Hardy
2 2 3 22 William Regal
2 3 1 21 Alex Shelley
2 0 4 18 Charlie Haas
2 1 1 15 Ron Killings
2 1 0 13 CM Punk
1 2 1 13 Paul London
1 2 1 13 Carlito
1 1 2 12 Rob Conway
1 2 0 11 Jimmy Wang Yang
2 0 0 10 Finlay
2 0 0 10 Chris Benoit
1 0 2 9 Colt Cabana
1 1 0 8 Daivari
1 0 1 7 Victoria
0 1 2 7 Sonjay Dutt
0 1 2 7 Simon Dean
0 2 0 6 Mark Henry
0 2 0 6 Frankie Kazarian
1 0 0 5 Nigel McGuinness
1 0 0 5 Kenny
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan
1 0 0 5 Bryan Danielson
0 1 0 3 Sabu
0 1 0 3 Homicide
0 1 0 3 Derek Frazier
0 0 1 2 Val Venis
0 0 1 2 Scott Steiner
0 0 1 2 Naomichi Marufuji
0 0 1 2 Johnny Nitro
0 0 1 2 Johnny Jeter
0 0 1 2 Eugene
0 0 1 2 Chuck Taylor
HACK-MAN: For Most Underrated Wrestler, I really wanted to vote for
Spanky, London, Aries, Runt, Carlito, Daniels, Shelton, Tajiri, and
especially Sonjay Dutt--but I couldn't make myself remove any of (Jimmy
Wang Yang, Jamie Noble, Daivari) from the top three.
HAWYN316: 1st: Matt Hardy 2nd: Frankie Kazarian For yet another year I
hereby induct my much underpushed, underappreciated Matt Hardy. Joining
him this year is Frankie Kazarian who had an aborted WWE run and then got
BURIED in the depths of the TNA undercard.
Worst Wrestling Gimmick
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestler who had the worst character gimmick in the
past year.
Previous Winners:
1991: Mike Rotundo as Irwin R. Shyster
1992: Papa Shango's voodoo
1993: Doink the Clown
1994: Doink the Clown
1995: Dungeon of Doom
1996: The Leprechaun
1997: Glacier / Blood Runs Cold
1998: Warrior appears in "strange mist" / forms One Warrior Nation
1999: Beaver Cleavage (Chaz)
2000: That 70's Guy / Not a Mullet / Fat Chick Thriller / Career Killer
Mike Awesome
2001: Diamond Dallas Page as Sara's Stalker
2002: WWE's necrophilia
2003: La Resistance as French sympathizers
2004: Heidenreich as a tortured poet
2005: Jillian Hall as a "fixer" with a giant growth on her face
**2006**: The Impostor Kane
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
33 third place votes
5 6 1 45 Impostor Kane
4 6 3 44 Kane keeps hearing the opening date of his movie
5 4 3 43 Vito wearing dresses
5 1 3 34 D-generation X
4 0 1 22 Don West as capable announcer
3 1 2 22 Shelton Benjamin's Mama
2 3 1 21 Jillian Hall's mole
2 2 1 18 Boogeyman
3 0 1 17 Jamie Noble & Kid Kash as Pitbulls
0 3 4 17 Kelly Kelly is an exhibitionist
0 2 3 12 X Division's Jackass antics
0 3 1 11 Spirit Squad
1 0 1 7 Jeff Jarrett as guitar-swinger
0 1 2 7 Kevin Thorn as a vampire
0 2 0 6 Eugene
0 0 3 6 Dicks
1 0 0 5 John Cena as a "bad ass"
0 1 0 3 Armando Alejandro Estrada
0 0 1 2 Scott Steiner as a threatening cripple
0 0 1 2 Cryme Tyme
0 0 1 2 Abyss as monster
BIGDADDYLOCO: DX, it's just not funny anymore.
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: Tried to nominate EVERY SINGLE bit of Wrestlecrap this
year... and still left out Tim White and his suicide attempts. Bad year.
HAWYN316: 1st: Impostor Kane 2nd: Spirit Squad Impostor Kane. What was
THAT all about???? Also, the Spirit Squad. I've enjoyed watching their
antics all year but c'mon, they're frickin' Male Cheerleaders!!!!
Worst Wrestling Move
Award Description:
To be given to the move that is the worst thing you've seen this year.
This shouldn't be given to a move that was flubbed by a wrestler - the
move was performed correctly, but was just too stupid for words. This move
should probably be a "finishing" move or something that was meant to be
Previous Winners:
1990: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1991: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1992: Crush's Compactor head-vise
1993: Crush's Compactor head-vise
1994: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1995: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1996: Hacksaw Jim Duggan's taped fist
1997: Hulk Hogan's leg drop
1998: Hollywood Hogan's legdrop
1999: Hulk Hogan's legdrop
2000: Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm chop
2001: Chyna's handspring elbow
2002: Rikishi's stinkface
2003: Jim Ross' Stone Cold Stunner
2004: John Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop / Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm
chop (tie)
2005: Viscera's Visagra rear mount
**2006**: The Great Khali's skull chop
33 first place votes
33 second place votes
32 third place votes
7 6 6 65 Great Khali's skull chop
5 2 1 33 Viscera's Visagra rear splash & mount
4 3 2 33 Umaga's Samoan Spike
5 1 2 32 Randy Orton's chinlock
3 2 3 27 John Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop
1 3 3 20 Candice Michelle's Go Daddy elbow drop
1 4 1 19 Vito's Dress Code keylock under dress
2 2 0 16 John Cena's FU
0 3 1 11 John Cena's STFU
0 1 3 9 Torrie Wilson's stinkface
0 1 3 9 Jeff Jarrett's Stroke
1 1 0 8 Mike Mizanin's Mizard of Oz
1 0 0 5 Norman Smiley's Big Wiggle
1 0 0 5 Hulk Hogan's legdrop
1 0 0 5 Eugene's airplane spin
1 0 0 5 Bobby Roode's Northern lariat
0 1 1 5 Shark Boy's shark bite
0 1 1 5 Chris Masters' Master Lock full nelson
0 0 2 4 Triple H's Pedigree
0 1 0 3 Rob Van Dam's shoulderblock into turnbuckle opponent w/flip
0 1 0 3 Kip James' Fame-Asser legdrop
0 0 1 2 Tatanka's flying tomahawk chop
0 0 1 2 Randy Orton's RKO
0 0 1 2 Kevin Nash's jackknife powerbomb
Worst Match
Award Description:
To be given to the worst wrestling match you've seen this year, either
live, on TV, PPV, or in an arena, or on tape. If it took place in the past
year, it is eligible.
Previous Winners:
1990: 06/13/90: Ric Flair vs. Junkyard Dog (CoC XI)
1991: 05/19/91: El Gigante vs. Sid Vicious (SuperBrawl)
1992: 01/18/92: Beverly Brothers vs. Bushwhackers (Royal Rumble)
1993: 04/04/93: Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna (WrestleMania IX)
1994: 09/18/94: Jim Duggan vs. Steve Austin (Fall Brawl)
1995: 03/19/95: Hulk Hogan vs. Vader (Uncensored)
1996: 03/24/96: Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson &
Lex Luger & Kevin Sullivan & Meng & Barbarian & Ze Gangsta
& Ultimate Solution (Uncensored)
1997: 10/26/97: Hulk Hogan vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (cage) (Halloween Havoc)
1998: 10/25/98: Hollywood Hogan vs. Warrior (Halloween Havoc)
1999: 09/26/99: Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man (Kennel from Hell) (Unforgiven)
2000: 06/25/00: Pat Patterson vs. Gerald Brisco (hardcore evening gown)
2001: 07/02/01: Booker T (WCW) vs. Buff Bagwell (RAW)
2002: 07/08/02: Jackie Gayda & Christopher Nowinski vs. Trish Stratus
& Bradshaw (mixed tag RAW)
2003: 01/19/03: Triple H (world) vs. Scott Steiner (Royal Rumble)
2004: 03/14/04: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg (WrestleMania)
2005: 04/18/05: Jim Ross vs. Triple H (no DQ) (RAW)
**2006**: 06/25/06: Kane vs. Impostor Kane (Vengeance)
26 first place votes
26 second place votes
25 third place votes
2 9 1 39 06/25/06 Kane v. Impostor Kane
3 4 2 31 04/02/06 Boogeyman v. Booker T & Sharmell
4 1 2 27 04/30/06 Mr. & Shane McMahon v. Shawn Michaels & God (no DQ)
3 2 3 27 05/12/06 Rey Mysterio v. Great Khali (Smackdown)
3 1 2 22 08/18/06 Undertaker v. Great Khali (last man standing)
3 1 1 20 07/23/06 Undertaker v. Big Show (Punjabi Prison)
2 1 0 13 09/11/06 Triple H v. Mr. McMahon (RAW)
1 0 3 11 06/13/06 Sandman v. Zombie (SciFi)
1 0 2 9 10/26/06 18-Man "Fight for the Right" Reverse Battle Royal
1 1 0 8 07/15/06 DX v. Spirit Squad (SNME Handicap Elimination)
1 1 0 8 01/29/06 Kurt Angle (World) v. Mark Henry
0 2 1 8 01/29/06 John Bradshaw Layfield v. Boogeyman
0 2 0 6 08/20/06 Hulk Hogan v. Randy Orton
1 0 0 5 12/18/05 Undertaker v. Randy Orton (hell in a cell)
1 0 0 5 01/29/06 Edge (WWE) v. John Cena
0 0 2 4 01/08/06 Jerry Lawler v. Gregory Helms
0 1 0 3 02/10/06 Undertaker v. Mark Henry (Smackdwon)
0 0 1 2 08/20/06 King Booker (World) v. Batista
0 0 1 2 08/05/06 Shane Hagadorn v. Bobby Dempsey
0 0 1 2 08/01/06 Big Show (ECW) v. Batista (SciFi)
0 0 1 2 07/16/06 Raven v. Larry Zbyszko (hair v. hair)
0 0 1 2 05/05/06 Rey Mysterio v. Mark Henry (Smackdown)
0 0 1 2 03/27/06 John Cena v. Mr. McMahon (Raw)
Worst Feud
Award Description:
To be given to the feud that nobody cared about at all this year. When
were pushing the feud on TV, you'd go to the fridge for a snack.
Previous Winners:
1990: Hulk Hogan vs. Earthquake
1991: Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter
1992: Ultimate Warrior vs. Papa Shango
1993: The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez
1994: Doink vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
1995: Hulk Hogan vs. Dungeon of Doom
1996: Big Bubba vs. John Tenta
1997: Nation of Domination vs. Disciples of Apocalypse vs. Los Boricuas
1998: Warrior vs. Hollywood Hogan
1999: No Limit Soldiers vs. West Texas Rednecks
2000: Big Show vs. Big Boss Man
2001: Undertaker vs. Diamond Dallas Page
2002: Triple H vs. Kane
2003: Stephanie McMahon vs. Vince McMahon
2004: Chavo Guerrero vs. Jacqueline
2005: McMahon Family vs. Jim Ross
**2006**: Mr. McMahon (& Shane McMahon) vs. D-generation X
32 first place votes
30 second place votes
27 third place votes
11 2 1 63 Mr. & Shane McMahon v. Shawn Michaels & Triple H
5 9 1 54 Rey Mysterio v. Chavo Guerrero
5 3 1 36 D-Generation X v. Spirit Squad
3 3 1 26 John Cena v. Kevin Federline
1 2 4 19 Viscera v. Charlie Haas
1 1 4 16 Raven v. Larry Zbyszko
0 3 3 15 Sting v. Jeff Jarrett
1 1 3 14 Kevin Nash v. Chris Sabin
1 1 2 12 Batista v. Mark Henry
1 0 1 7 John Cena v. Edge
1 0 1 7 Jerry Lawler v. Tazz
0 2 0 6 King Booker v. Batista
1 0 0 5 Undertaker v. Great Khali
1 0 0 5 Rey Mysterio v. Randy Orton
0 1 1 5 Ric Flair v. Spirit Squad
0 1 0 3 King Booker v. Bobby Lashley
0 0 1 2 Undertaker v. Randy & Cowboy Bob Orton
0 0 1 2 Rey Mysterio v. King Booker
0 0 1 2 Matt Hardy v. Mr. Kennedy
0 0 1 2 King Booker v. Boogeyman
REJECTED - Duplicated votes
0 1 0 D-Generation X v. Spirit Squad
Most Disappointing News item
Award Description:
To be given to the wrestling news item that most disappointed you when
heard of it. When you first learned of this news story, you couldn't
believe that it was true, and when you learned that it was, you were
bummed out for a while.
Previous Winners:
1991: Scott Steiner gets injured
1992: Legion of Doom: Hawk & Animal split up
1993: WWF brings Hulk Hogan back and gives him the title
1994: WCW signs Hulk Hogan and makes him World champion
1995: Death of Eddie Gilbert
1996: Scott Hall and/or Kevin Nash leave WWF and/or join WCW
1997: Death of Brian Pillman
1998: Death of Louie Spicolli
1999: Death of Owen Hart
2000: David Arquette wins WCW World heavyweight championship
2001: Chris Benoit out for the year after neck surgery
2002: Steve Austin leaves WWE in frustration over creative direction
2003: Death of Curt Hennig
2004: Brock Lesnar leaves WWE to try out for the NFL
2005: Death of Chris Candido
**2006**: Death of Eddie Guerrero
35 first place votes
35 second place votes
32 third place votes
27 1 1 140 Death of Eddie Guerrero
2 7 2 35 Matt Cappotelli forced to retire due to cancer
1 7 2 30 Kurt Angle doesn't retire, doesn't seek help for addictions
0 4 8 28 Rob van Dam busted, subsequently booked to lose titles,
1 4 1 19 Death of John Tenta
1 3 2 18 TNA brings back Vince Russo
0 3 2 13 WWE cuts loose Kurt Angle
0 2 3 12 ECW brand dominated by WWE guys
1 1 1 10 Trish Stratus retires
1 0 0 5 Sam Shelton commits attempted murder of teenager
1 0 0 5 Death of The Crusher
0 1 1 5 TNA books Jeff Jarrett to another NWA Championship win
0 0 2 4 Jimmy Jacobs shows up on AAW show, trashes IWA-MS title
0 0 2 4 ECW forced to describe talent as "extremists" or "vixens"
0 1 0 3 Missouri requires pregnancy tests for women wrestlers
0 1 0 3 Corporal Kirchner reported dead despite being very much alive
0 0 1 2 WWE fires Ted DiBiase
0 0 1 2 TNA excludes female wrestlers in favor of hiring "divas"
0 0 1 2 TNA doesn't expand show to two hours, live, prime time Mondays
0 0 1 2 Kenta Kobashi has cancer
0 0 1 2 Death of Johnny Grunge
HACK-MAN: This is the first year (I think) I've ever voted a "death" in
the "Most Disappointing News item" category, but I had to go with Death of
Eddie Guerrero as #1. ECW brand dominated by WWE guys was an easy #2, as
was TNA doesn't expand Impact to two hours live on Mondays in prime time
for #3.
CRIMEFIGHTER: This story got more coverage than any other, and I had
actually met this person. Sam Shelton aka "The Teacher" tried to kill
Ashley Reeves and leave her for dead in the woods. Somehow she survived
after laying there for like 30 hours, she was found, and thankfully she
survived and has recovered from her injuries for the most part. Coverage
on that story which happened in the St. Louis, Missouri area went all
over the world. Another was Missouri passing a law requiring women
wrestlers to get a pregnancy test before wrestling a match...EVERY match.
Missouri's regulations on wrestling has pretty much made it very difficult
for anyone besides WWE to do business in this state. And there seems to
be more wrestling feds than ever before, and there's not enough interest.
HAWYN316: 1st: Death of Eddie Guerrero 2nd: Matt Cappotelli forced to
retire due to cancer 3rd: Corporal Kirchner reported deceased despite
being very much alive It's hard to believe it's been a year since Eddie
passed away. Such a traumatizing event last year and it's effects are
still being felt today. Matt Cappotelli's battle with cancer was an
equally sad event. It's sad to think what a huge star he coulda been had
he had more luck with good health. Tough Enough 3 was AGES ago and out of
all the Tough Enough stars only Nitro remains. Corporal Kirchner's
"death" report was just about the most embarrassing news item all year.
Most Obnoxious Personality
Award Description:
To be given to the person who just rubs you the wrong way. This could be
anybody involved in the wrestling biz.
Previous Winners:
1991: Dusty Rhodes
1992: Vince McMahon
1993: Vince McMahon
1994: Hulk Hogan
1995: Eric Bischoff
1996: Eric Bischoff
1997: Eric Bischoff
1998: Eric Bischoff
1999: Eric Bischoff
2000: Vince Russo
2001: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
2002: Jerry Lawler
2003: Stephanie McMahon
2004: Jerry Lawler
2005: Stephanie McMahon
**2006**: Don West
35 first place votes
34 second place votes
33 third place votes
6 3 2 43 Don West
6 2 3 42 Mr. McMahon
4 3 4 37 Mike Mizanin
2 3 3 25 Jonathan Coachman
2 4 1 24 Triple H
2 2 1 18 Candice Michelle
1 2 2 15 Jeff Jarrett
2 0 2 14 Randy Orton
0 3 1 11 Jerry Lawler
2 0 0 10 Jim Ross
1 1 1 10 Shawn Michaels
1 1 1 10 Scott D'Amore
0 3 0 9 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 1 3 9 Todd Grisham
1 1 0 8 John Cena
1 0 1 7 Mike Tenay
1 0 1 7 Michelle McCool
1 0 1 7 Chris Masters
1 0 0 5 Tazz
1 0 0 5 Great Khali
0 1 1 5 Michael Cole
0 1 1 5 Larry Zbyszko
0 0 2 4 Shane McMahon
0 1 0 3 Stephanie McMahon
0 1 0 3 CM Punk
0 1 0 3 Armando Alejandro Estrada
0 0 1 2 Umaga
0 0 1 2 Lacey
HAWYN316: 1st: Jonathan Coachman Obnoxious? Coach?
Best Second
Award Description:
To be given to the manager who outperformed their peers at ringside and
behind the microphone in interviews. This award was discontinued after
the 2001 awards and reinstated in 2006.
Previous Winners:
1990: Jim Cornette
1991: Bobby Heenan
1992: Mr. Perfect
1993: Jim Cornette
1994: Jim Cornette
1995: Jim Cornette
1996: Sunny
1997: Chyna
1998: Chyna
1999: Dawn Marie
2000: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
2001: Stacy Keibler
**2006**: Armando Alejandro Estrada (Osama Rodriguez Alejandro)
34 first place votes
34 second place votes
33 third place votes
9 7 3 72 Armando Alejandro Estrada
5 2 5 41 Melina
4 3 6 41 James Mitchell
1 10 1 37 Queen Sharmell
4 2 2 30 Konnan
3 4 1 29 Daivari
0 2 4 14 Gail Kim
2 0 1 12 Prince Nana
1 0 3 11 Scott D'Amore
2 0 0 10 Lita
2 0 0 10 Allison Danger
1 1 0 8 Lacey
0 0 3 6 Julius Smokes
0 1 1 5 Trinity
0 0 2 4 Kelly Kelly
0 1 0 3 Jim Cornette
0 1 0 3 Ariel
0 0 1 2 Jillian Hall
CRIMEFIGHTER: I am pleased to see this category return. Managers are all
over the place again.
HAWYN316: 1st: Melina 2nd: Armando Alejandro Estraaaaada, HA HA!!! 3rd:
Kelly Kelly Melina baby!!! It's allllll about the "Greatest Entrance in
Sports Entertainment." Armando Alejandro Estraaaaada takes #2 for the best
"Intro in Sports Entertainment, HA HA!!!!" Kelly Kelly rounds out the Top
Best Announcer
Award Description:
To be given to the commentator/announcer who makes the most insightful and
entertaining comments while pushing his product. "Ring announcers" don't
qualify here. As of 1992, the difference between this and colour
will be enforced.
Previous Winners:
1990: Jesse Ventura
1991: Jesse Ventura
1992: Jim Ross
1993: Jim Ross
1994: Jim Ross
1995: Jim Ross
1996: Jim Ross
1997: Jim Ross
1998: Jim Ross
1999: Jim Ross
2000: Jim Ross
2001: Jim Ross
2002: Michael Cole
2003: Michael Cole
2004: Jim Ross
2005: Joey Styles
**2006**: Joey Styles
33 first place votes
28 second place votes
24 third place votes
10 10 5 90 Joey Styles
13 4 6 89 Jim Ross
6 3 6 51 Mike Tenay
2 4 5 32 Michael Cole
2 4 1 24 King Booker
1 4 2 21 Dave Prazak
BIGDADDYLOCO: You might not like Cole's character, but he plays it well
and does a good enough job in what has become a depleted talent pool.
Best Colour Commentator
Award Description:
To be given to the colour commentator who provides the most insightful and
entertaining comments.
Previous Winners:
1991: Bobby Heenan
1992: Bobby Heenan
1993: Jesse Ventura
1994: Bobby Heenan
1995: Bobby Heenan
1996: Bobby Heenan
1997: Jerry Lawler
1998: Jerry Lawler
1999: Jerry Lawler
2000: Jerry Lawler
2001: Paul Heyman
2002: Tazz
2003: Tazz
2004: Tazz
2005: Tazz
**2006**: John Bradshaw Layfield
35 first place votes
32 second place votes
23 third place votes
20 8 1 126 John Bradshaw Layfield
11 12 4 99 Tazz
1 6 4 31 Jerry Lawler
2 2 5 26 Kevin Nash
1 2 4 19 Lenny Leonard
0 2 2 10 Don West
0 0 1 2 Sean Credle
0 0 1 2 King Booker
0 0 1 2 Jonathan Coachman
BIGDADDYLOCO: There is no greater joy in wrestling that hearing King
Booker speak to his people.
HAWYN316: 1st: Tazz 2nd: John Bradshaw Layfield 3rd: Jerry Lawler Tazz
takes #1 for me, but I have to say, JBL is just GOLD as the Colour Man.
If he never returns to the ring he can EASILY transition into the top heel
Colour man like Bobby the Brain or Jesse the Body did waaaay back in the
80s. This is a PERFECT role for good old JBL.
Best Interviewee
Award Description:
To be given to the person who gives the best interview in the biz. This
be a wrestler or a manager.
Previous Winners:
1990: Ric Flair
1991: Ric Flair
1992: Ric Flair
1993: Ric Flair
1994: Ric Flair
1995: Shawn Michaels
1996: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1997: Stone Cold Steve Austin
1998: Mankind (Dude Love / Cactus Jack / Mick Foley)
1999: Mankind
2000: The Rock
2001: Stone Cold Steve Austin
2002: Kurt Angle
2003: Chris Jericho
2004: Chris Jericho
2005: Eddie Guerrero
**2006**: Mick Foley
34 first place votes
34 second place votes
34 third place votes
6 4 5 52 Mick Foley
6 2 2 40 Christian Cage
3 4 3 33 John Cena
4 2 3 32 King Booker
1 2 5 21 Paul Heyman
1 4 0 17 Kurt Angle
1 4 0 17 Edge
2 1 1 15 Colt Cabana
1 2 2 15 Samoa Joe
2 0 1 12 CM Punk
0 2 2 10 Jim Cornette
1 0 2 9 Maria
1 0 2 9 Kevin Nash
0 3 0 9 William Regal
1 1 0 8 Bryan Danielson
1 0 1 7 Konnan
0 1 2 7 Carlito
1 0 0 5 Zombie
1 0 0 5 Shawn Michaels
1 0 0 5 Scott Steiner
0 1 0 3 Jimmy Wang Yang
0 1 0 3 Hulk Hogan
0 0 1 2 Triple H
0 0 1 2 Mickie James
0 0 1 2 James Mitchell
HAWYN316: 1st: Christian Cage 2nd: John Cena 3rd: CM Punk Christian (along
with Edge) got to the dance with their awesome mic work. Cage takes my #1
for the year with Cena on 2. CM Punk takes my #3 as he's got tons of
potential for the future.
Best Angle
Award Description:
To be given to the best angle you've seen in the sport this year.
Previous Winners:
1990: Horsemen turn heel
1991: "Real World Champion" Ric Flair challenges Hulk Hogan
1992: Ric Flair "knew Elizabeth first"
1993: WWF brings in Sean Waltman as 1-2-3 Kid
1994: Shane Douglas forfeits NWA title moments after winning it
1995: Barry Horowitz finally wins on WWF television
1996: NWO forms and attempts takeover of WCW
1997: Bret Hart turns on USA, reforms Hart Foundation
1998: Mr. McMahon offers Steve Austin the easy way - or the hard way
1999: "Countdown to the Millennium" ends with Chris Jericho's WWF debut
2000: Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Kurt Angle love triangle
2001: ECW joins WCW, forms alliance
2002: Goldust, Booker T turn "At the Movies" gig into friendship
2003: Paul Heyman presents Kurt Angle with Team Angle
2004: Chris Benoit's world championship journey ends with WrestleMania win
2005: Matt Hardy returns to WWE to seek revenge on Edge & Lita
**2006**: Joey Styles quits RAW during live broadcast
32 first place votes
29 second place votes
26 third place votes
9 2 4 59 Joey Styles quits RAW during live broadcast
6 5 2 49 Mickie James is attracted to Trish
3 2 3 27 Paparazzi Productions teams up with Kevin Nash
2 3 2 23 Kurt Angle goes to TNA to feud with Samoa Joe
2 1 5 23 Mick Foley turns on ECW
1 4 3 23 Trish Stratus wins title in retirement match
2 3 1 21 John Cena FU's Kevin Federline
3 1 0 18 CZW invades ROH
1 2 0 11 Colt Cabana & Homicide escalate the violence in their blood feud
1 1 0 8 Edge cashes in Money in the Bank to defeat a wounded John Cena
1 0 0 5 Ring of Honor (?)
1 0 0 5 Jim Cornette becomes new face of TNA
0 1 1 5 Homicide saves ROH during Cage of Death
0 1 0 3 TNA (?)
0 1 0 3 Rob Van Dam as champ of RAW & ECW
0 1 0 3 Jimmy Wang Yang as redneck
0 1 0 3 Colt Cabana/Lacey/Jimmy Jacobs love triangle
0 0 1 2 KENTA wants ROH World Title shot
0 0 1 2 Homicide's quest for the ROH World Title
0 0 1 2 Claudio Castagnoli turns on ROH, joins CZW
0 0 1 2 Carlito has a crush on Trish
0 0 1 2 CM Punk is straight edge
HACK-MAN: Best Angle: "Joey Styles quits RAW during live broadcast" is
still memorable all these months later. Yeah it was obviously a work, but
you could tell he meant it and what he had to say was pretty much what all
of RSPW was thinking. "Mickie James is attracted to Trish" was a nice
slow-burn and the WrestleMania match was really good. "Carlito has a
crush on Trish" looked like it could have been good, but ended too soon
when Trish retired. Raw seems to be continuing it with a replacement for
Trish, but it's just not the same. I had a hard time leaving "Jimmy Wang
Yang as redneck" off the list, but it was a very close #4.
HAWYN316: 1st: Joey Styles quits RAW during live broadcast 2nd: Paparazzi
Productions teams up with Kevin Nash 3rd: Trish Stratus wins title in
retirement match Joey giving the WWE the FU on Raw was a great Raw moment.
Paparazzi Pro teaming with Nash produced some great segments for TNA as
Nash is just frickin' hilarious. Trish retiring and getting the gold on
the way out my have somewhat buried the Women's Division but it was a
classy way for the WWE to send off the greatest Women's champ and wrestler
of the modern era.
Best Organization
Award Description:
To be given to the organization/promotion that has the best product. This
is the organization whose TV and house shows you just can't miss.
Previous Winners:
1990: NWA
1991: WWF
1992: WCW
1993: SMW
1994: ECW
1995: WWF
1996: WWF
1997: WWF
1998: WWF
1999: WWF
2000: WWF
2001: WWF
2002: WWE (WWF)
2003: WWE
2004: WWE
2005: TNA
**2006**: WWE
28 first place votes
26 second place votes
22 third place votes
11 10 1 87 WWE
7 8 7 73 TNA
8 3 7 63 ROH
0 3 0 9 Pro Wrestling NOAH
1 0 1 7 Dragon Gate
1 0 0 5 CZW
0 0 2 4 SHIMMER
0 0 2 4 PWG
0 1 0 3 OVW
0 1 0 3 Gateway Championship Wrestling
0 0 1 2 New Midwest Wrestling
0 0 1 2 CWF Mid-Atlantic
JASON BOUGGER: Raw, Smackdown, and ECW should be counted as seperate
organizatins for these awards. (Editor's Note: No.)
Best TV Show
Award Description:
To be given to what is on average the best wrestling TV show. In 1994, TV
shows and major shows were given separate award categories.
Previous Winners:
1991: 03/21/91: WCW & New Japan Supershow (aired on tape)
1992: 01/18/92: WWF Royal Rumble
1993: WWF Monday Night RAW weekly TV
1994: WWF Monday Night RAW
1995: WWF Monday Night RAW
1996: WWF Monday Night RAW
1997: WWF Monday Night RAW (WWF RAW is War / WWF RAW / WWF War Zone)
1998: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone)
1999: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone)
2000: WWF RAW is WAR (RAW / War Zone)
2001: WWF RAW (RAW is War / War Zone / RAW Zone)
2002: WWE SmackDown!
2003: WWE Smackdown
2004: WWE RAW (RAW / RAW Zone)
2005: TNA iMPACT! (TNA Wrestling Impact!)
**2006**: WWE Smackdown
31 first place votes
27 second place votes
23 third place votes
9 7 4 74 WWE Smackdown
10 3 7 73 TNA iMPACT!
5 8 4 57 ECW on Sci Fi
6 5 4 54 WWE RAW
1 1 1 10 OVW weekly TV
0 1 2 7 WWE Saturday Night's Main Event
0 1 1 5 WWE A.M. RAW
0 1 0 3 JAPW Worldwide
BIGDADDYLOCO: If it was on a better day we all could enjoy some of the
great wrestling that is happening every week on Smackdown.
HAWYN316: 1st: TNA Impact 2nd: ECW on Sci-Fi 3rd: WWE Smackdown I'm gonna
go out on a limb and induct TNA Impact as the best show of the year
followed by ECW and Smackdown. I like Raw, but I just feel Impact and ECW
is sooo much "fresher."
Best Major Show
Award Description:
To be given to the best major event. This could be a pay-per-view, a TV
special, or any big arena event. In 1994, TV shows and major shows were
given separate award categories.
Previous Winners:
1991: 03/21/91: WCW & New Japan Supershow (aired on tape)
1992: 01/18/92: WWF Royal Rumble
1993: WWF Monday Night RAW weekly TV
1994: 03/20/94: WWF WrestleMania X
1995: 08/27/95: WWF SummerSlam
1996: 03/31/96: WWF WrestleMania XII
1997: 04/14/97: ECW Barely Legal
1998: 03/24/98: WWF WrestleMania XIV
1999: 08/22/99: WWF SummerSlam
2000: 01/23/00: WWF Royal Rumble
2001: 04/01/01: WWF WrestleMania X-7
2002: 08/25/02: WWE SummerSlam
2003: 03/30/03: WWE WrestleMania XIX
2004: 03/14/04: WWE WrestleMania XX
2005: 04/03/05: WWE WrestleMania 21
**2006**: 04/02/06: WWE WrestleMania 22
23 first place votes
23 second place votes
19 third place votes
6 8 2 58 04/02/06 WWE WrestleMania 22
3 5 1 32 06/11/06 ECW One Night Stand
4 0 1 22 04/01/06 ROH Better Than Our Best
2 2 2 20 03/31/06 ROH Supercard of Honor
0 4 3 18 01/29/06 WWE Royal Rumble
2 1 1 15 09/17/06 WWE Unforgiven
1 0 1 7 10/22/06 TNA Bound For Glory
1 0 1 7 08/20/06 WWE SummerSlam
1 0 1 7 05/21/06 WWE Judgment Day
1 0 1 7 02/19/06 WWE No Way Out
0 2 0 6 09/16/06 ROH Glory By Honor V
1 0 0 5 12/11/05 TNA Turning Point
1 0 0 5 03/30/06 ROH Dragon Gate Challenge
0 1 0 3 04/23/06 TNA Lockdown
0 0 1 2 08/25/06 ROH Epic Encounter II
0 0 1 2 07/15/06 ROH Death Before Dishonor IV
0 0 1 2 06/25/06 WWE Vengeance
0 0 1 2 06/24/06 ROH Chi-town Struggle
0 0 1 2 03/30/06 ROH Dragon Gate Challenge
Best Promotional Move
Award Description:
To be given to the best move made by a promotion this past year. This
could include giving somebody a push, demoting someone, firing someone
hiring someone, or anything of a promotional nature.
Previous Winners:
1991: WWF signs Ric Flair
1992: WCW signs Jake Roberts
1993: WWF works with SMW & USWA
1994: WWF pushes Bret Hart as champion again
1995: WCW signs Sabu, Chris Benoit, Eddy Guerrero & Dean Malenko away
1996: WCW signs Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Ted DiBiase & Syxx
1997: ECW uses "working agreement" with WWF
1998: WWF books Vince McMahon into top storyline role
1999: WWF signs Chris Jericho
2000: WWF signs Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn
2001: WWF adds ECW to "invasion" angle
2002: WWE names Paul Heyman head of SmackDown! writing team
2003: NWA TNA offers one cent PPV
2004: WWE books Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero to World, WWE championships
2005: TNA gains Spike TV timeslot
**2006**: TNA signs Kurt Angle soon after WWE releases him
33 first place votes
31 second place votes
27 third place votes
8 3 4 57 TNA signs Kurt Angle
6 4 4 50 WWE institutes wellness program
4 5 5 45 WWE books fresh title runs (Booker, Rey, Edge, Rob Van Dam)
2 5 1 27 TNA gets earlier time slot
2 0 2 14 ROH books big shows in Chicago on WrestleMania weekend
1 3 0 14 John Cena retains title in WrestleMania match with Triple H
2 1 0 13 WWE allows Mick Foley to book his program to elevate Edge
2 1 0 13 CZW feuds with ROH
2 0 1 12 ROH & Dragon Gate trade talent
0 2 3 12 WWE books John Cena/Van Dam main event for One Night Stand
instead of Triple H/Van Dam
1 2 0 11 TNA moves Samoa Joe out of X Division
0 2 1 8 WWE brings in Kevin Federline to feed to John Cena
1 0 1 7 ECW actually draws ratings on Sci-Fi
0 0 3 6 WWE revives Saturday Night's Main Event in prime time on NBC
1 0 0 5 WWE books inordinate number of Smackdown jobs for their
then-champion Rey Mysterio
1 0 0 5 TNA brings back Vince Russo
0 1 1 5 ROH brings in KENTA & Marufuji from NOAH
0 1 0 3 WWE brings in Roddy Piper, Money Inc., Arn Anderson as
part of RAW season premiere
0 1 0 3 WWE books Great Khali to squash Undertaker
0 0 1 2 ROH works shows in England
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: Kurt Angle to TNA, good move? Bad move? I think people
are jumping to conclusions & it's too early to tell. Tentatively I say
good move. If he's got four, five more years left in his career, TNA is
the only place he can fill his quota of dream matches. We're not exactly
salivating over the possibility of Angle v. Kennedy or Angle v. Nitro.
And even though Kurt has a thing about wanting to get a ***1/2 match out
of the worst workers on the planet, even HE didn't bother with the Great
HAWYN316: 1st: WWE institutes wellness program 2nd: John Cena retains
title in WrestleMania match with Triple H 3rd: TNA signs Kurt Angle After
years and years of seeing wrestlers die prematurely I'm glad WWE
instituted the "Wellness" program to help its talent. It's a great move
and hopefully our favorite stars stay on earth a bit longer as a result.
Cena retaining over Triple H sent a HUGE message that it's no longer the
"Triple H" show. Finally, TNA signing Kurt Angle was a TREMENDOUS move on
their part. Hopefully Kurt and TNA are able to take care of our Olympic
Hero so HE doesn't wind up in the morgue prematurely...
Worst Second
Award Description:
To be given to the manager whose presence at ringside and during
is really unnecessary. This person does little to enhance the matches in
which his/her wrestler(s) participates. This award was discontinued after
the 2001 awards and reinstated in 2006.
Previous Winners:
1990: Mr. Fuji
1991: Coach John Tolos
1992: Harvey Wippleman
1993: Harvey Wippleman
1994: Harvey Wippleman
1995: Harvey Wippleman
1996: Teddy Long
1997: Uncle Cletus
1998: Eric Bischoff
1999: Curtis Hughes
2000: Mae Young
2001: Sara
**2006**: Vickie Guerrero
31 first place votes
28 second place votes
21 third place votes
15 6 1 95 Vickie Guerrero
4 2 5 36 Michelle McCool
5 2 2 35 Armando Alejandro Estrada
1 6 1 25 Ashley Massaro
2 3 2 23 Scott D'Amore
0 3 4 17 Queen Sharmell
0 2 3 12 Lita
2 0 0 10 Kelly Kelly
0 2 0 6 Konnan
1 0 0 5 Simon Diamond
1 0 0 5 Jillian Hall
0 1 1 5 Shane Douglas
0 1 1 5 Ariel
0 0 1 2 Estrada
Worst Announcer
Award Description:
To be given to the commentator/announcer who makes the dumbest comments
while pushing his product. This person probably gets you to turn down the
when he/she is announcing. As of 1992, the difference between this and
colour commentator will be enforced.
Previous Winners:
1990: Vince McMahon
1991: Vince McMahon
1992: Vince McMahon
1993: Vince McMahon
1994: Eric Bischoff
1995: Eric Bischoff
1996: Eric Bischoff
1997: Tony Schiavone
1998: Tony Schiavone
1999: Tony Schiavone
2000: Tony Schiavone
2001: Tony Schiavone
2002: Jim Ross
2003: Jim Ross
2004: Jonathan Coachman
2005: Jonathan Coachman
**2006**: Todd Grisham
29 first place votes
24 second place votes
19 third place votes
12 4 2 76 Todd Grisham
6 12 2 70 Michael Cole
5 4 3 43 Mike Tenay
5 1 7 42 Jim Ross
0 1 3 9 Eric Gargulio
1 0 0 5 Mike Petkovich
0 1 0 3 Todd Grisham(NO)
0 1 0 3 Steve Romero
0 0 1 2 Jonathan Coachman
0 0 1 2 Joey Styles
CRIMEFIGHTER: Well I got the spelling of this guy wrong earlier, it's Mike
Petkovich. That guy is quite unprofessional, using their AAW broadcast to
F-bomb IWA Mid-South and its promoter Ian Rotten.
Worst Colour Commentator
Award Description:
To be given to the commentator/announcer who makes the dumbest comment
while pushing his product. This person probably gets you to turn down the
TV when he/she is announcing.
Previous Winners:
1991: Dusty Rhodes
1992: Lord Alfred Hayes
1993: Randy Savage
1994: Dusty Rhodes
1995: Steve McMichael
1996: Dusty Rhodes
1997: Dusty Rhodes
1998: Larry Zbyszko
1999: Jason Hervey
2000: Mark Madden
2001: Mark Madden
2002: Jerry Lawler
2003: Jerry Lawler
2004: Jerry Lawler
2005: Jerry Lawler
**2006**: Don West
33 first place votes
26 second place votes
16 third place votes
14 2 2 80 Don West
8 8 5 74 Jerry Lawler
4 14 3 68 Jonathan Coachman
4 0 4 28 Tazz
3 2 1 23 John Bradshaw Layfield
0 0 1 2 Steve Romero
HACK-MAN: If Don West doesn't win "Worst Colour Commentator" the Diebold
machines are hacked. Jonathan Coachman is easily #2 and #3 is so far
behind both of these I won't even cast a vote.
BIGDADDYLOCO: Tazz just isn't rocking the mic anymore.
Worst Interviewee
Award Description:
To be given to the person who gives the worst interview in the biz. This
could be a wrestler or a manager.
Previous Winners:
1990: Ultimate Warrior
1991: El Gigante
1992: Ultimate Warrior
1993: Giant Gonzalez
1994: Yokozuna
1995: Hulk Hogan
1996: Ahmed Johnson
1997: Ahmed Johnson
1998: Warrior
1999: Sid Vicious
2000: Hardy Boyz
2001: Linda McMahon
2002: Triple H
2003: Al Wilson
2004: Lita
2005: Linda McMahon
**2006**: The Great Khali
35 first place votes
32 second place votes
29 third place votes
9 6 1 65 Great Khali
2 4 7 36 Chris Masters
3 3 2 28 Lashley
2 2 4 24 Lita
4 0 1 22 Randy Orton
0 4 5 22 Shelton Benjamin
3 0 0 15 Batista
1 2 1 13 Sabu
1 2 1 13 Michelle McCool
1 1 2 12 Umaga
1 2 0 11 Triple H
1 2 0 11 Chris Sabin
1 0 1 7 Mr. McMahon
1 0 0 5 Sandman
1 0 0 5 Monty Brown
1 0 0 5 Melina
1 0 0 5 John Cena
1 0 0 5 Eugene
1 0 0 5 Chris Benoit
0 0 2 4 Samoa Joe
0 1 0 3 Undertaker
0 1 0 3 Rey Mysterio
0 1 0 3 King Booker
0 1 0 3 CM Punk
0 0 1 2 Orlando Jordan
0 0 1 2 Mike Mizanin
HAWYN316: 1st: Great Khali I'm sure Khali is SUPPOSED to sound like an
incoherent monster but....
Worst Angle
Award Description:
To be given to the worst angle you've seen in the sport this year. It may
be the worst because of taste or because of execution.
Previous Winners:
1990: Earthquake breaks Hulk's ribs & get well card drive /
Black Scorpion (tie)
1991: WWF exploits the Gulf war
1992: Papa Shango curses the Ultimate Warrior
1993: WCW's Cactus Jack gets amnesia; search leads to Cleveland
1994: WCW gives Hulk Hogan the WCW Title
1995: WCW bills Giant as Andre the Giant's alleged son
1996: Jim Ross announces return of Razor Ramon and Diesel to WWF
1997: Brian Pillman claims paternity of Dakota Runnells
1998: "Mysterious laughter" source revealed as Chucky the doll
1999: Big Show's father stricken with cancer; Big Boss Man exploits it
2000: Mae Young's pregnancy results in birth of hand
2001: Triple H quickly returns from fall inside car dropped from forklift
2002: Triple H reveals Kane's role in a death - and immediately afterwards
2003: Dawn Marie, Al Wilson give new meaning to "'til death do us part"
2004: Kane stalks, then impregnates, then marries Lita
2005: Masked men attack Undertaker after Daivari is "sacrificed" in match
**2006**: Vickie Guerrero turns on Rey Mysterio
34 first place votes
32 second place votes
30 third place votes
7 2 6 53 Vickie Guerrero turns on Rey Mysterio
8 3 1 51 Randy Orton blows up Eddie Guerrero's lowrider with
Undertaker inside
4 7 3 47 Mr. McMahon founds McMahonism, books himself against God
(& Shawn Michaels)
4 6 3 44 Kane hears "May 19th" voices
3 1 3 24 Boogeyman eats Jillian's mole
2 2 2 20 Return of the Mr. McMahon "Kiss My Ass" Club
2 2 2 20 Kane stalked by mysterious impostor
2 0 2 14 Kevin Nash dominates the X Division
1 2 0 11 Carltio, Trish Stratus suddenly in relationship
0 1 3 9 Vito finds confidence after donning dress
0 2 1 8 Jackass 2 worked into TNA angles
0 2 1 8 Entire RAW revolves around urine test for Shawn Michaels
0 2 1 8 Boogeyman eats worms
1 0 0 5 Rey Mysterio dedicates wins to Eddie Guerrero
0 0 1 2 Orton Knows Best
0 0 1 2 Kelly fails to unhook bra during "Expose"
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: Vince books himself and Shane vs. HBK & "God"... at
least he didn't team up HBK with Eddie's departed spirit.
HAWYN316: 1st: Kane stalked by mysterious impostor 2nd: Carltio, Trish
Stratus suddenly in relationship Seriously, what WAS the deal with the
whole FAKE KANE storyline? Also, Carlito and Trish = LAME!!!! That's soooo
not cool.
Worst Organization
Award Description:
To be given to the organization/promotion that has the worst product. This
is the organization whose TV and house shows you wouldn't even think of
attending. Probably not even as a freebie.
Previous Winners:
1990: WWF / AWA (tie)
1991: WCW
1992: WWF
1993: WCW
1994: WCW
1995: WCW
1996: AWF
1997: WCW
1998: WCW
1999: WCW
2000: WCW
2001: WCW
2002: XPW
2003: XPW
2004: TNA
2005: WWE
**2006**: WWE
28 first place votes
22 second place votes
14 third place votes
10 8 4 82 WWE
9 4 2 61 TNA
3 3 2 28 CZW
3 2 1 23 WEW
2 1 2 17 New Japan
0 2 0 6 ROH
1 0 0 5 NYWC
0 1 0 3 Ultimate Velocity Wrestling
0 1 0 3 All Japan
0 0 1 2 OVW
0 0 1 2 Liberty States Wrestling
0 0 1 2 Capitol City Championship Wrestling
JASON BOUGGER: Raw, Smackdown, and ECW should be counted as seperate
organizatins for these awards. (Editor's Note: See previous note.)
Worst TV Show
Award Description:
To be given to what is on average the worst wrestling TV show. In 1994, TV
shows and major shows were given separate award categories.
Previous Winners:
1991: 07/07/91: WCW Great American Bash
1992: 12/03/91: WWF This Tuesday In Texas
1993: 04/04/93: WWF WrestleMania IX
1994: WCW World Wide
1995: WWF Mania
1996: AWF Warriors of Wrestling
1997: WWF LiveWire
1998: WCW Worldwide
1999: WCW Thunder
2000: WCW Thunder
2001: (tie) WWF Excess / WCW Thunder
2002: WWF Excess
2003: WWE RAW
2004: The WWE Experience
2005: The WWE Experience
**2006**: WWE RAW
27 first place votes
25 second place votes
20 third place votes
7 7 4 64 WWE RAW
6 2 5 46 TNA Impact
5 5 3 46 WWE Smackdown
3 6 6 45 ECW on Sci Fi
4 5 1 37 TNA Xplosion
1 0 0 5 WWE Heat
1 0 0 5 WWE A.M. RAW
0 0 1 2 WWE Byte This!
CRIMEFIGHTER: Well there's a lot fewer recap shows, we're down to like two
now. I dunno if I can vote for video webcasts, but heck I'll cast my
third to Byte This for that stupid stuff that went on the final couple
months that got it cancelled.
Worst Major Show
Award Description:
To be given to the worst major event. This could be a pay-per-view, a TV
special, or any big arena event. In 1994, TV shows and major shows were
given separate award categories.
Previous Winners:
1991: 07/07/91: WCW Great American Bash
1992: 12/03/91: WWF This Tuesday In Texas
1993: 04/04/93: WWF WrestleMania IX
1994: 06/19/94: WWF King of the Ring
1995: 03/19/95: WCW Uncensored
1996: 03/24/96: WCW Uncensored
1997: 01/25/97: NWO Souled Out
1998: 08/08/98: WCW Road Wild
1999: 10/10/99: Heroes of Wrestling
2000: 10/29/00: WCW Halloween Havoc
2001: 01/14/01: WCW Sin
2002: 06/23/02: WWE King of the Ring
2003: 06/15/03: WWE Bad Blood / 05/19/03: WWE Judgment Day (tie)
2004: 06/27/04: WWE Great American Bash
2005: 07/24/05: WWE Great American Bash
**2006**: 07/23/06: WWE Great American Bash
19 first place votes
18 second place votes
16 third place votes
9 0 0 45 07/23/06 WWE Great American Bash
1 5 2 24 08/20/06 WWE SummerSlam
1 3 1 16 01/08/06 WWE New Year's Revolution
3 0 0 15 01/29/06 WWE Royal Rumble
0 2 3 12 08/13/06 TNA Hard Justice
1 1 1 10 06/25/06 WWE Vengeance
1 1 1 10 05/21/06 WWE Judgment Day
1 1 0 8 07/15/06 WWE Saturday Night's Main Event
0 0 4 8 07/16/06 TNA Victory Road
1 0 1 7 04/30/06 WWE Backlash
0 2 0 6 05/13/06 TNA Sacrifice
1 0 0 5 03/05/06 WWL 6:05 Reunion
0 1 0 3 09/17/06 WWE Unforgiven
0 1 0 3 03/11/06 ROH Arena Warfare
0 1 0 3 03/08/06 WWE Saturday Night's Main Event
0 0 1 2 10/08/06 WWE No Mercy
0 0 1 2 06/18/06 TNA Slammiversary
0 0 1 2 05/12/06 ROH How We Roll
Worst Promotional Move
Award Description:
To be given to the worst move made by a promotion this past year. This
could include giving somebody a push, demoting someone, firing someone
hiring someone, or anything of a promotional nature.
Previous Winners:
1991: WCW loses Ric Flair
1992: WCW bans off the top rope moves under Bill Watts
1993: WCW tapes 13 weeks of TV at one time in Orlando, Fla.
1994: WCW lets Hulk Hogan control his scenarios
1995: WCW gives Hulk Hogan too much control
1996: WWF lets Scott Hall and/or Kevin Nash go
1997: Sting doesn't wrestle for the entire year
1998: WCW sues Ric Flair, causing nearly five month absence from television
1999: WCW lets big names go / WCW signs musical acts for Nitro (tie)
2000: WCW gives Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Saturn requested releases
2001: WWF botches seemingly surefire WWF/WCW "interpromotional" storyline
2002: WWE airs simulated necrophilia in attempt to foster controvery
2003: WWE pushes McMahons, announcers rather then pushing wrestlers
2004: WWE runs Diva Search during multiple segments of many weeks of RAW
2005: WWE airs "terrorist attack" on Undertaker soon after London bombings
**2006**: WWE repeatedly uses Eddie Guerrero's death as storyline material
33 first place votes
32 second place votes
30 third place votes
15 3 8 100 WWE uses Eddie Guerrero's death as angle fodder
1 7 3 32 WWE doesn't turn Heyman loose with ECW
5 0 1 27 TNA brings back Vince Russo
2 2 5 26 TNA keeps Jarrett on top/over the whole time/forever
1 4 3 23 WWE books inordinate number of jobs for then-champion
Rey Mysterio
2 3 1 21 WWE reforms, heavily pushes D-Generation X
2 1 3 19 TNA continues to push talentless dead weight instead of
X Division
2 1 0 13 TNA pushes Sting instead of Samoa Joe
0 3 0 9 WWE fires Kurt Angle
1 0 1 7 WWE books segment involving "Jackass" stars
1 0 0 5 WWE gives Rey Mysterio a championship run
1 0 0 5 TNA doesn't expand Impact to two hours live on Mondays
in prime time
0 1 1 5 WWE produces "Vince Loves Cock" T-shirt
0 1 1 5 TNA signs Kurt Angle
0 0 2 4 TNA resigns Kevin Nash
0 1 0 3 WWE keeps pushing John Cena
0 1 0 3 WWE doesn't push OVW product more
0 1 0 3 WWE deals with bad press after death of Eddie Guerrero
0 1 0 3 WWE books three "world titles" in the same company
0 1 0 3 WWE books Eric Bischoff firing as RAW GM
0 1 0 3 NYWC promoter Frank Goodman books backyard wrestlers who
sell enough tickets
0 0 1 2 WWE puts Boogeyman over all the Smackdown heels
HACK-MAN: Damn. I really wanted to put "WWE exploits Eddie's death in
angles" as a vote in "Worst Promotional Move", but I couldn't in good
conscience remove any of "TNA's Impact doesn't expand to two hours live on
Mondays in prime time", "TNA continues to push talentless dead weight
instead of X-Division", or "WWE doesn't turn Heyman loose with ECW"
KEVIN ERIC SNELL: So let's see... guy who SQUASHES the world champion and
doesn't even get #1 contender status, never gets a title match.
Squashing the world champion isn't an afterthought for a Taker feud, guys.
CRIMEFIGHTER: Eddie Guerrero dies, and the WWE exploited it to heck for
angles which spat upon his grave. That includes Big Show spitting on the
lowrider, Randy Orton crashing it into the back of the Smackdown set with
Undertaker in Vicky Guerrero has gotten into the act. Just
terrible. And then there's that idiot on the east coast who's come up
with a ridicious idea to increase ticket sales...give them to backyarders
and promise to book them if they sell their wad of them. And the legit
workers are stuck having to work with these untrained yarders because they
paid to play.
HAWYN316: 1st: WWE books inordinate number of Smackdown jobs for champion
Rey Mysterio Rey Mysterio = World Heavyweight CHUMP
And now, the 'netter suggested awards...
Best Canadian:
1. Edge
2. Christian Cage
3. Eric Young
Most Underrated Overrated Wrestler In The World: 1. Bryan Danielson
Best Women's wrestler not wrestling: Gail Kim
The Chris Benoit Personality Deficient Babyface award: AJ Styles
The "and I here I thought Giant Gonzales was the worst worker in history"
award: Great Khali
Thanks for voting, thanks for reading, and once again - thanks! SEEE YA!